Journal Information
Computer Communications
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Call For Papers
The International Journal for the Computer and Telecommunications Industry

Computer and Communications networks are key infrastructures of the information society with high socio-economic value as they contribute to the correct operations of many critical services (from healthcare to finance and transportation). Internet is the core of today's computer-communication infrastructures. This has transformed the Internet, from a robust network for data transfer between computers, to a global, content-rich, communication and information system where contents are increasingly generated by the users, and distributed according to human social relations. Next-generation network technologies, architectures and protocols are therefore required to overcome the limitations of the legacy Internet and add new capabilities and services. The future Internet should be ubiquitous, secure, resilient, and closer to human communication paradigms.

Computer Communications is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes high-quality scientific articles (both theory and practice) and survey papers covering all aspects of future computer communication networks (on all layers, except the physical layer), with a special attention to the evolution of the Internet architecture, protocols, services, and applications. Topics include, but are not limited to:

    Internet of Things
    Edge/cloud computing
    Green networking
    Mobile and ubiquitous networks
    Terrestrial and Non-terrestrial networks
    Mobile network services and applications
    Experimental test-beds and research platforms
    Algorithmic aspects of communication networks
    Emerging technologies for next generation network
    Future Internet architecture, protocols and services
    Modeling, measurement, and simulation of computer communication networks 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-11
Special Issues
Special Issue on Selected and extended papers from the 20th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2024)
Submission Date: 2025-03-21

WiMob is an International forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience among researchers, developers and practitioners of wireless and mobile technology. This year, the conference will focus on 5G, IoT, Cyber Security and use of Artificial Intelligence for mobile and wireless Networks. Accepted papers at WiMob 2024 with high scores and very good comments (on the technical and originality parts) will be invited to be extended for the special issue of WiMob 2024 according to the rules of Elsevier Computer Communication Journal. The WiMob conference is an international forum for the exchange of experience and knowledge among researchers and developers concerned with wireless and mobile technology. For twenty years, the International WiMob conference has provided unique opportunities for researchers to interact, share new results, show live demonstrations, and discuss emerging directions in - Wireless Communication, - Wireless Networking, Mobility and Nomadicity, - Ubiquitous Computing, Services and Applications, - Green and sustainable communications and network computing and - Security on Wireless and mobile Networks. WiMob 2024 is soliciting high quality technical papers addressing research challenges in the areas of wireless communications, wireless networking, mobility, nomadicity, ubiquitous computing, services and applications. Papers should present original work validated via analysis, simulation or experimentation. Practical experiences and Testbed trials also are welcome. WiMob 2024 will host FIVE parallel symposia: Wireless Communications (WC) Wireless Networking, Mobility and Nomadicity (WNMN) Ubiquitous Computing, Services and Applications (UCSA) Green and Sustainable Communications and Network computing (GSCN) Security on Wireless and Mobile Networks (SWMN) For the detailled topics, you can refer to WiMob 2024 web site. Guest editors: Abderrahim Benslimane, PhD Avignon University, Avignon, France Nathalie Mitton, PhD INRIA, Le Chesnay, France Claudio Casetti, PhD Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy Chakchai So-In, PhD Khon Kaen University, Nai Mueang, Thailand Shuai Han, PhD Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China Manuscript submission information: This Special Issue is by Guest Editor invitation-only. Timeline: Submission Open Date *01/11/2024 Final Manuscript Submission Deadline *21/03/2025 Editorial Acceptance Deadline *31/07/2025 Keywords: 6G, 5G, Wireless Networking, IoT-IoV-AUV, Ubiquitous Computing, Green and Sustainable Communications and Network Computing, Security, Trust & Privacy for Wireless and Mobile Networks, Artificial Intelligence
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-09-28
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