Basic Information
Name: Storen Yang
Institution: Zhejiang University
Registration: 2014-07-02
Score: 2502
Tracked Conferences
Short | Full Name | Submission | Conference |
SIGMOD | ACM Conference on Management of Data | 2025-10-10 | 2026-05-31 |
PODS | ACM SIGMOD Conference on Principles of DB Systems | 2025-10-10 | 2026-05-31 |
EDBT | International Conference on Extending Database Technology | 2025-10-08 | 2026-03-24 |
CSCW | ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing | 2025-07-01 | 2025-10-18 |
Ubicomp | ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing | 2025-06-15 | 2025-10-14 |
SIGSPATIAL | International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems | 2025-05-23 | 2025-11-03 |
EMNLP | Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing | 2025-05-19 | 2025-11-05 |
ICNP | International Conference on Network Protocols | 2025-05-09 | 2025-09-22 |
ADMA | International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications | 2025-05-08 | 2025-10-22 |
ESORICS | European Symposium on Research in Computer Security | 2025-04-22 | 2025-09-22 |
Attend Conferences
CCF | CORE | QUALIS | Short | Full Name | Conference | Location |
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Full Name | Conference | Location |
No results found. |
Tracked Journals
CCF | Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher | ISSN |
c | IEEE Transactions on Big Data | 7.500 | IEEE | 2332-7790 |
b | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | 10.40 | IEEE | 1045-9227 |
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine | 10.30 | IEEE | 1556-603X | |
a | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | 5.500 | IEEE | 1939-1374 |
c | Computer Communications | 4.500 | Elsevier | 0140-3664 |
ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems | 1.900 | ACM | 2374-0353 | |
a | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | 20.80 | IEEE | 0162-8828 |
b | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | 3.500 | IEEE | 2168-2291 |
b | Knowledge and Information Systems | 2.500 | Springer | 0219-1377 |
a | Journal of Machine Learning Research | Microtome Publishing | 1532-4435 |
Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
IEEE Transactions on Big Data | 7.500 | IEEE |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | 10.40 | IEEE |
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine | 10.30 | IEEE |
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | 5.500 | IEEE |
Computer Communications | 4.500 | Elsevier |
ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems | 1.900 | ACM |
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | 20.80 | IEEE |
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | 3.500 | IEEE |
Knowledge and Information Systems | 2.500 | Springer |
Journal of Machine Learning Research | Microtome Publishing |
Followed Researchers
Name | Institution | Registration | Score |
No results found. |
Name | Institution | Score |
No results found. |
Tracked Jobs
Job Title | Employer | Job Location |
No results found. |
Job Title | Employer | Job Location |
No results found. |
Viewed Conferences
CCF | CORE | QUALIS | Short | Full Name | Submission | Notification | Conference |
No results found. |
Short | Full Name | Submission | Conference |
No results found. |
Viewed Journals
CCF | Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher | ISSN |
No results found. |
Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
No results found. |