Conference Information
ICA3PP 2024: International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
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Macau, China
CCF: c   CORE: b   QUALIS: b3   Viewed: 87187   Tracked: 198   Attend: 72

Call For Papers
ICA3PP 2024 provides a forum for academic researchers and industry practitioners to present research progresses, exchange new ideas, and identify future directions in the fields of Parallel and Distributed Architectures, Software Systems and Programming Models, Distributed and Network-based Computing, Big Data and its Applications, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and so on. ICA3PP 2024 is a CCF Rank-C conference. Accepted papers would be published by Springer (under confirmation) and submitted to the EI database. Excellent papers with extension will be recommended for special issues in renowned journals

Topics of Interest

We invite submissions from academia, government and industry that present novel research on all aspects of parallel and distributed computing. Topics of ICA3PP include but are not limited to the following areas:

Parallel Architectures
Parallel Programming Paradigms
Heterogeneous Systems
Service-oriented Architectures
Cluster, Distributed & Parallel Operating Systems and Middleware
Programming Models for Compute and Storage
Parallel File Systems and Storage
Parallel and Distributed Databases
Tools for Programming and Analysis of System Software
Mobile and Wireless Computing
Cloud, Grid, and Services Computing
Web and Internet Computing
Interconnection Networks
Network Simulations
Architecture, Networks and Systems of Big Data
Big Data Applications, Algorithms and Data Structures
Research and Development Trends of Big Data
Big Data Benchmarking, Interoperability, Monitoring, Security, Privacy and Management
Distributed Data Analytics and Feature Extraction
Big Data Interoperability and Orchestration
Parallel Processing for Big Data
Reliability and Fault-tolerant Computing
High-performance Scientific Computing
Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
Resource Management and Scheduling
Multimedia in Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing in Bioinformatics
Parallel Machine Learning Algorithms
Industrial Applications
Dependability Issues in Computer Networks and Communications
Dependability Issues in Distributed and Parallel Systems
Dependability of Software Defined Networks
Self-healing, Self-protecting and Fault-tolerant Systems
Network and Information Security
Trust, Security and Privacy in Cloud computing, Social Networks, and Internet of Things
Social Computing and Analytics on Cyber-Physical Data
Smart Communities with Cyber-Physical Systems
Ubiquitous Sensing in Social Networks
Building Social Life Networks
Pervasive/Ubiquitous Control, Computing and Networking
Cyber-Physical Systems and Networks
Cyber-Physical Social Applications and Case Studies
Performance of Parallel & Distributed Computing Systems
Software and Hardware Reliability, Testing, Verification and Validation
Tools and Environments for Parallel & Distributed Software Development
Optimization, Modeling and Simulation
Stochastic Analysis, Statistical Analysis and Simulation
Data Collection and Analysis
Planning, Scheduling and Quality-of-Service
Game theory, Economics and Control Theory
AI in Parallel and Distributed Computing
Security and Privacy in Parallel and Distributed Computing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-24
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