Basic Information
Name: Mote Mote
Institution: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Registration: 2021-01-06
Score: 382
Tracked Conferences
CCF | CORE | QUALIS | Short | Full Name | Submission | Notification | Conference |
c | INSCRYPT | International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology | 2025-06-15 | 2025-08-01 | 2025-10-19 | ||
c | ICDF2C | EAI International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime | 2025-05-31 | 2025-06-30 | 2025-11-17 | ||
c | b | b1 | ICICS | International Conference on Information and Communications Security | 2025-05-23 | 2025-07-21 | 2025-10-29 |
c | b | SAC | Selected Areas in Cryptography Workshop | 2025-05-07 | 2025-06-20 | 2025-08-11 | |
c | c | NSPW | New Security Paradigms Workshop | 2025-04-25 | 2025-05-30 | 2025-08-24 | |
b | a | a2 | ESORICS | European Symposium on Research in Computer Security | 2025-04-22 | 2025-06-13 | 2025-09-22 |
b | a | a2 | RAID | International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses | 2025-04-17 | 2025-07-09 | 2025-10-19 |
a | a* | a1 | CCS | ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security | 2025-04-14 | 2025-07-01 | 2025-10-13 |
c | b2 | PST | International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust | 2025-04-04 | 2025-06-01 | 2025-08-26 | |
c | c | a1 | SACMAT | ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies | 2025-03-24 | 2025-04-28 | 2025-07-08 |
Short | Full Name | Submission | Conference |
INSCRYPT | International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology | 2025-06-15 | 2025-10-19 |
ICDF2C | EAI International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime | 2025-05-31 | 2025-11-17 |
ICICS | International Conference on Information and Communications Security | 2025-05-23 | 2025-10-29 |
SAC | Selected Areas in Cryptography Workshop | 2025-05-07 | 2025-08-11 |
NSPW | New Security Paradigms Workshop | 2025-04-25 | 2025-08-24 |
ESORICS | European Symposium on Research in Computer Security | 2025-04-22 | 2025-09-22 |
RAID | International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses | 2025-04-17 | 2025-10-19 |
CCS | ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security | 2025-04-14 | 2025-10-13 |
PST | International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust | 2025-04-04 | 2025-08-26 |
SACMAT | ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies | 2025-03-24 | 2025-07-08 |
Attend Conferences
CCF | CORE | QUALIS | Short | Full Name | Conference | Location |
c | c | NSPW | New Security Paradigms Workshop | 2021-10-25 | North Conway, New Hampshire, USA | |
c | b | b1 | ICICS | International Conference on Information and Communications Security | 2021-09-17 | Chongqing, China |
c | b | b1 | SecureComm | International ICST Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks | 2021-09-06 | Online |
c | b | b1 | AsiaCCS | ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security | 2021-06-07 | Hong Kong, China |
c | b | a2 | PAM | Passive and Active Measurement conference | 2021-03-31 | Online |
b4 | CODASPY | ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy | 2021-03-22 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA | ||
c | b | a2 | ISC | Information Security Conference | 2020-12-16 | Bali, Indonesia |
c | HotSec | USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security | 2020-08-11 | Boston, Massachusetts, USA | ||
WOOT | USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies | 2020-08-10 | Boston, Massachusetts, USA | |||
b | IWSEC | International Workshop on Security | 2019-08-28 | Tokyo, Japan |
Full Name | Conference | Location |
New Security Paradigms Workshop | 2021-10-25 | North Conway, New Hampshire, USA |
International Conference on Information and Communications Security | 2021-09-17 | Chongqing, China |
International ICST Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks | 2021-09-06 | Online |
ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security | 2021-06-07 | Hong Kong, China |
Passive and Active Measurement conference | 2021-03-31 | Online |
ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy | 2021-03-22 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
Information Security Conference | 2020-12-16 | Bali, Indonesia |
USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security | 2020-08-11 | Boston, Massachusetts, USA |
USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies | 2020-08-10 | Boston, Massachusetts, USA |
International Workshop on Security | 2019-08-28 | Tokyo, Japan |
Tracked Journals
CCF | Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher | ISSN |
c | Information Management & Computer Security | Emerald | 0968-5227 | |
c | Computer Law and Security Review | 3.300 | Elsevier | 0267-3649 |
Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
Information Management & Computer Security | Emerald | |
Computer Law and Security Review | 3.300 | Elsevier |
Followed Researchers
Name | Institution | Registration | Score |
No results found. |
Name | Institution | Score |
No results found. |
Tracked Jobs
Job Title | Employer | Job Location |
No results found. |
Job Title | Employer | Job Location |
No results found. |
Viewed Conferences
CCF | CORE | QUALIS | Short | Full Name | Submission | Notification | Conference |
No results found. |
Short | Full Name | Submission | Conference |
No results found. |
Viewed Journals
CCF | Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher | ISSN |
No results found. |
Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
No results found. |