Conference Information
NSPW 2025: New Security Paradigms Workshop
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Conference Date:
Aerzen, Germany
CCF: c   CORE: c   Viewed: 20953   Tracked: 38   Attend: 5

Call For Papers
NSPW 2025 invites three types of submissions:

    Regular submissions present a new approach (paradigm) to a security problem or critique existing approaches. While regular submissions may present research results (mathematical or experimental), unlike papers submitted to most computer security venues, these results should not be the focus of the submission; instead, the change in approach should be the focus.
    Theme Submissions are focused on “Trusting” and should explain the connection with the theme in the justification statement (see below). They follow the format of a regular submission.
    Implementation Submissions explore implementing previous NSPW submissions. Historic NSPW submissions often propose new paradigms but do not extend to implementation. These submissions should clearly cite which previous work(s) is being referenced and how the current submission extends beyond the original scope. Original authors may be involved or not; if not, they will be offered the chance to comment on the submission.

NSPW has an optional theme each year to encourage submissions in specific areas of interest or importance. The theme for NSPW 2025 is Trusting.

Relevant topics for this theme include:

    Novel paradigms for conceptualising trust and trusting in computer security
    Trust decisions in a world of deepfakes and misinformation
    Detection of breach of trust, intrusion and misinformation
    Trust boundaries and threat modeling
    Trust in changing threat landscapes and technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence
    Trust evaluation
    Social configuration of trust and mistrust in organisations
    Trust and mistrust as methodological problems in studies of computer security
    The consequences of not trusting
    Audits and certifications
    Authentication and authorization
    Reputation systems and reviewer/recommender systems
    Anomaly detection
    Formal verification and testing
    Decentralized trust
    Zero trust architectures
    Human, social and organisational understandings of trust in technologies

Other interpretations of trusting are welcome.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-03-09
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