Journal Information
Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility
River Publishers
Call For Papers
Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility is an international, open-access, peer reviewed journal publishing original research, review/survey, and tutorial papers on all cyber security fields including information, computer & network security, cryptography, digital forensics etc. but also interdisciplinary articles that cover privacy, ethical, legal, economical aspects of cyber security or emerging solutions drawn from other branches of science, for example, nature-inspired.

The journal aims at becoming an international source of innovation and an essential reading for IT security professionals around the world by providing an in-depth and holistic view on all security spectrum and solutions ranging from practical to theoretical. Its goal is to bring together researchers and practitioners dealing with the diverse fields of cybersecurity and to cover topics that are equally valuable for professionals as well as for those new in the field from all sectors industry, commerce and academia.

This journal covers diverse security issues in cyber space and solutions thereof. As cyber space has moved towards the wireless/mobile world, issues in wireless/mobile communications and those involving mobility aspects will also be published.

Some exemplary topics include (but are not limited to): security in mobile networks, security and mobility optimization, cyber-physical security, wireless physical layer security, cloud security, Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine technologies, digital forensics & counter forensics, social networks security, smart grid and power/energy systems security, nature-inspired techniques, privacy attacks and protection, analysis of vulnerabilities and attacks, malware analysis, traffic measurements for cybersecurity, trends and new developments, secure operating systems and applications, security issues in various networking technologies, design and test strategies for secure and survivable systems, information hiding including steganology, and cryptology. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-19
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