Conference Information
ECAI 2024: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
CCF: b   CORE: a   QUALIS: a2   Viewed: 77563   Tracked: 276   Attend: 41

Call For Papers
We invite all members of the international AI research community to submit their best work to the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2024), to be held in the beautiful city of Santiago de Compostela during 19-24 October 2024. Join us to mark the 50th birthday since the first AI conference was held in Europe back in 1974.

We welcome submissions on all aspects of AI. Submissions will be subject to double-blind peer review by the programme committee. They will be evaluated based on relevance, clarity, significance, originality, soundness, reproducibility, scholarship, and quality of presentation.

The conference is planned as an in-person event. Each accepted paper will get assigned either an oral presentation slot or a combined poster/spotlight presentation slot. The presentation modality is not intended to reflect perceived scientific quality of the paper, so this assignment will be made in a randomised fashion (subject to programme constraints).

The open-access proceedings will be published by IOS Press. A selection of the best papers submitted to the conference will be invited for fast-track consideration by the Artificial Intelligence Journal or the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.


Submissions on all aspects of AI are welcome. This includes in particular:

Fairness, Ethics, and Trust
Computer Vision
Constraints and Satisfiability
Data Mining
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Humans and AI
Machine Learning
Multiagent Systems
Natural Language Processing
Planning and Search
Uncertainty in AI
Multidisciplinary Topics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-07
Acceptance Ratio
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Related Journals
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bWorld Wide Web2.700Springer1386-145X
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cJournal of Biomedical Informatics4.000Elsevier1532-0464
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control4.900Elsevier1746-8094
SIGMOD Record ACM0163-5808
Full NameImpact FactorPublisher
Human-centric Computing and Information SciencesSpringer
Journal of Web Semantics2.100Elsevier
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability1.500John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
World Wide Web2.700Springer
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing9.100Elsevier
Computing and Informatics Institute of Informatics, Slovakia
Security InformaticsSpringer
Journal of Biomedical Informatics4.000Elsevier
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control4.900Elsevier