Conference Information
ICAIOT 2021: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Thing
Submission Date:
2021-05-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Beijing, China
Viewed: 7221   Tracked: 2   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
We sincerely welcome you submit abstract for presentation or full paper for publication to the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Thing ( ICAIOT 2021).

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Smart Internet of Things

    Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Evolutionary Computing
    Control and decision making for smart IoT or CPS
    Smart cities, intelligent transportation and internet of vehicles
    Security and privacy for smart IoT or CPS
    Blockchain and Emerging research or Technologies
    Industrial 4.0 and Industrial IoT
    Big data analysis and Cloud computing
    IoT Sensing, monitoring, networking and routing
    IoT: Fundamentals and challenges 
    Security Challenges and routing issues in IoT
    Socio-technical implications of the IoT
    Cybersecurity Risks and Privacy in Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs)
    Applications and Limitations of IoT
    Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
    WSNs: Background and Overview
    5G IoT: Emergence and Applications
    Smart City as an Integrated IoT Ecosystem
    Building Blocks of IoT and IoT Enabled technologies 
    Security and privacy for fog and edge computing
    Blockchain: Concept and Emergence
    Blockchain based IoT security solutions
    Decentralized database deployments for block chain-enabled IIoT
    Identity management for interconnecting things in IIoT
    Distributed software-defined networking control in block chain-enabled IIoT;
    Use of Smart contract and Distributed ledger in Automated Applications (Transportation, Health, Finance, etc.)
     Blockchain for biomedical and healthcare applications.
    Blockchain Limitations and Future Possibilities  
    Research perspectives, challenges, and opportunities for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. 
Artificial Intelligence in the IoT Security Services

    Architecture design for AI in IoT
    Protocols for AI in IoT
    AI based techniques for real time IoT services
    AI based service-oriented protocols for IoT
    AI based techniques for data driven trustworthy IoT
    AI based techniques for security in IoT systems
    AI based techniques for fault diagnosis in IoT services
    AI based techniques for scalability solutions in IoT
    AI based techniques for smart data storage in IoT
    AI based applications in industrial IoT
    AI based techniques for smart city, smart grid, smart farming, smart transportation, and smart healthcare applications
    AI based techniques for IoT security and services
    AI based techniques for future IoT applications

Artificial Intelligence for cyber security

     Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
    Socio-technical aspects of Cryptocurrencies
    Privacy-preserving computing using Artificial Intelligence
    Artificial Intelligence for Industry 4.0 and sciety 5.0
    Artificial Intelligence security such as adversarial machine learning
    Security and Privacy in Online Social Networks (OSNs)
    Security and Privacy using Artificial Intelligence in Future Applications/ Smart Applications
    Security and Privacy in Cloud, Fog/Edge computing
    New human-centric (e.g. human-in-the-loop) cyber security solutions
    Cryptographic applications using Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (IoTs)
    Improving Security Awareness in Society 5.0
    Information Security for Industry 4.0
    Computer Network Security, Application Security, and Web Services Security
    Protective Security, Software Security and Mobile Security
    Wireless and Sensor Network Security
    Software Coding Security and Barcode Scanner Security
    Security in Middleware, Interface and Interaction
    Security Services in Authentication, Authorisation, Accountability, Automation, Availability, Integrity and Nonrepudiation
    Security Management and Security Operations using Artificial Intelligence
    Digital Trust and Reputation using Artificial Intelligence
    Geographical Location (IP Geolocation) and Cyber Travel
    Security Standardisation for critical applications like healthcare, nuclear, defense, energy, etc.
    Cyber safety technologies and solutions using Artificial Intelligence
    Artificial Intelligence in Cyber space defense and mitigation strategies
    Internet monitoring, espionage and surveillance
    Forensics with and without Artificial Intelligence
    Intrusion detection and prevention systems using Artificial Intelligence
    Risk management
Last updated by Hana Liu in 2021-04-22
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