Journal Information
Journal of Building Performance Simulation
Impact Factor:
Taylor & Francis
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

The Journal of Building Performance Simulation (JBPS) aims to make a substantial and lasting contribution to the international building community by supporting our authors and the high-quality, original research they submit. The journal also offers a forum for original review papers and researched case studies

We welcome building performance simulation contributions that explore the following topics related to buildings and communities:

    Theoretical aspects related to modelling and simulating the physical processes (thermal, air flow, moisture, lighting, acoustics).
    Theoretical aspects related to modelling and simulating conventional and innovative energy conversion, storage, distribution, and control systems.
    Theoretical aspects related to occupants, weather data, and other boundary conditions.
    Methods and algorithms for optimizing the performance of buildings and communities and the systems which service them, including interaction with the electrical grid.
    Uncertainty, sensitivity analysis, and calibration.
    Methods and algorithms for validating models and for verifying solution methods and tools.
    Development and validation of controls-oriented models that are appropriate for model predictive control and/or automated fault detection and diagnostics.
    Techniques for educating and training tool users.
    Software development techniques and interoperability issues with direct applicability to building performance simulation.
    Case studies involving the application of building performance simulation for any stage of the design, construction, commissioning, operation, or management of buildings and the systems which service them are welcomed if they include validation or aspects that make a novel contribution to the building performance simulation knowledge base.

The following topics are outside the journal's scope and will not be considered:

    Case studies involving the routine application of commercially available building performance simulation tools that do not include validation or aspects that make a novel contribution to the knowledge base.
    The structural performance of buildings and the durability of building components.
    Studies focused on the performance of buildings and the systems that serve them, rather than on modelling and simulation.

All articles submitted to JBPS are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors, and if found suitable for further consideration, enter peer review by independent, anonymous, expert referees. The Journal operates a double anonymized peer review and all submissions are to be made online using the JBPS ScholarOne site. For more information on contributing a manuscript visit our Instructions for Authors page.

Author benefits

JBPS is the official journal of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA). IBPSA is a non-profit international society of computational building performance simulation researchers, developers, practitioners and users, dedicated to improving the design, construction, operation and maintenance of new and existing buildings worldwide. All members of IBPSA will be able to access your research.

We are also abstracted and indexed in several high-quality databases including the Science Citation Index, Scopus, EBSCO and more.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-11
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