Conference Information
CSCI 2018: International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence
Submission Date:
2018-10-24 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Viewed: 20862   Tracked: 6   Attend: 4

Call For Papers
The CSCI conference is composed of the following symposiums; all accepted papers will be included in the proceedings of The 2018 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational    Intelligence (CSCI), to be published by CPS.
   - Symposium on Computational Science (CSCI-ISCS)
   - Symposium on Computational Intelligence (CSCI-ISCI)
   - Symposium on Cyber Warfare, Cyber Defense, & Cyber Security (CSCI-ISCW)
   - Symposium on Signal & Image Processing, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition (CSCI-ISPC)
   - Symposium on Smart Cities and Smart Mobility (CSCI-ISSC)
   - Symposium on Education (CSCI-ISED) - includes accreditation, such as ABET
   - Symposium on Health Informatics and Medical Systems (CSCI-ISHI)
   - Symposium on Mobile Computing, Wireless Networks, & Security (CSCI-ISMC)
   - Symposium on Software Engineering (CSCI-ISSE)
   - Symposium on Internet of Things & Internet of Everything (CSCI-ISOT)
   - Symposium on Big Data and Data Science (CSCI-ISBD)
   - Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (CSCI-ISAI)
   - Symposium on Social Network Analysis, Social Media, & Mining (CSCI-ISNA)
   - Symposium on Cloud Computing and Data Centers (CSCI-ISCC)
   - Symposium on Computational Biology (CSCI-ISCB)
   - Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Computing (CSCI-ISPD)

The 2018 CSCI International Conference invites paper submissions from diverse communities, including researchers from: universities, corporations, government agencies, and standardization bodies. Papers are sought that address solutions to problems in all areas of computational science and computational intelligence.
Computational Science is the study of addressing problems that are impossible to solve (or difficult to solve) without computers. The field is interdisciplinary by nature and includes the use of advanced computing capabilities to understand and solve complex problems. In short, Computational Science is the science of using computers to do science. Computational Intelligence is the study of computational methods in ways that exhibit intelligence. These methods adapt to changing environments and changing goals.
Considering the above broad outline, the International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI'18) is composed of the following research and technical tracks:
   - Computational Science (CSCI-ISCS)
   - Computational Intelligence (CSCI-ISCI)
   - Cyber Warfare, Cyber Defense, & Cyber Security (CSCI-ISCW)
   - Signal & Image Processing, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition (CSCI-ISPC)
   - Smart Cities and Smart Mobility (CSCI-ISSC)
   - Education (CSCI-ISED) - includes accreditation, such as ABET
   - Health Informatics and Medical Systems (CSCI-ISHI)
   - Mobile Computing, Wireless Networks, & Security (CSCI-ISMC)
   - Software Engineering (CSCI-ISSE)
   - Internet of Things & Internet of Everything (CSCI-ISOT)
   - Big Data and Data Science (CSCI-ISBD)
   - Artificial Intelligence (CSCI-ISAI)
   - Social Network Analysis, Social Media, & Mining (CSCI-ISNA)
   - Cloud Computing and Data Centers (CSCI-ISCC)
   - Computational Biology (CSCI-ISCB)
   - Parallel & Distributed Computing (CSCI-ISPD)
For detailed topical list for each track, refer to:
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-10-19
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