Conference Information
RAM 2015: International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics
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Angkor Wat, Cambodia
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Call For Papers
It is our great honor and pleasure to have the 7th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and the 7th IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM) to be held between 15-17 July, 2015 at Angkor Wat, Cambodia.

The IEEE conferences on CIS & RAM bring the international community of researchers and practitioners a great opportunity to discuss the latest advancements and future directions in the field of automatic control. The conferences welcome paper submissions from researchers, practitioners, and students, and will cover myriad topics in cybernetics, intelligent systems, robotics, automation and mechatronics, etc.

The IEEE International Conferences on CIS & RAM have always been held together, to exploit the synergistic relationship between both areas. CIS-RAM was first held in Singapore in 2004, followed by Thailand in 2006, Chengdu (China) in 2008, Singapore in 2010, Qingdao (China) in 2011, and Manila (Philippines) in 2013. CIS-RAM 2015 will be in Angkor Wat, Cambodia. Angkor Wat, which literally means "temple city" in Khmer, features a picturesque Buddhist temple complex. It is a powerful symbol for Cambodia, and a source of national pride. The conference program includes a half-day tour to visit these temples.

Programs and Topics on RAM [Single Track]

Robotics and Automation in Unstructured Environment, Personal and Service Robotics, Underwater Robotics, Medical Robots and Systems, Social Robotics, Robotics and Automation Applications, Sensor Design, Integration, and Fusion, Computer and Robot Vision, Human-Robot Interfaces, Haptics, Teleoperation, Tele-robotics, Network Robotics, Micro/Nano, Distributed, Cellular, and Multi-robot Systems, Biologically-Inspired Robots and Systems, Sensor Based Robotics, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Modeling, Planning and Control, Kinematics, Mechanics, and Mechanism Design, Legged Robots, Wheeled Mobile Robots, Aerial Robotics, Dynamics, Motion Control, Force/Impedance Control, Architecture and Programming, Methodologies for Robotics and Automation, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Petri Nets, Virtual Reality, Manufacturing System Architecture, Design, and Performance Evaluation, Computer Aided Production Planning, Scheduling, and Control, Total Quality Management, Maintenance, and Diagnostics, Localisation & Tracking, Industrial Systems, Control Systems and Design, Situation Awareness.

Programs and Topics on CIS [Single Track]

Cybernetics Automation and Control, Cooperative Systems and Control, Multi-Agent Systems, Discrete Event Systems, Supervisory Control, Hybrid Systems, Networked Dynamical Systems, Computational Intelligence, Swarm Intelligence, Soft Computing, Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Computation, Image Processing, Computer Vision. Systems Modeling & Control, Smart Sensor Networks, Environmental Systems, Systems Biology, Cyber-physical Systems, Human/Machine Systems, Transportation Systems, Power Systems, Manufacturing Systems, Decision Support Systems, System of Systems, Big data, Internet of Things, Energy Efficiency.

Invited Sessions

The conference will feature invited sessions on specialized topics of interests. The invited sessions are intended to usher in-depth discussions in special areas relevant to the conference theme.

Interactive Sessions

Static and dynamic display and presentation of research work will be arranged during conference period for maximum interaction among the conference delegates.

Social Programme

The conference will organize a half-day tour to the world heritage site - the Ankor Wat Temple.
The proceedings of above conferences will be indexed in the IEEE Library, ISI Proceedings and EI Compendex database. Best Conference Paper Awards for both conferences will be presented as well. Selected papers will be recommended for Journal publications after substantial revisions.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-08-16
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