Conference Information
ICCSD 2020: International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Devices
Submission Date:
2020-06-20 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Kitakyushu, Japan
Viewed: 10711   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Multirate digital signal processing techniques have been developed in recent years for a wide range of applications from wireless and satellite communication systems to speech and image compression, including high performance audio and video, statistical and adaptive signal processing, and multimedia, among others. The main advantage of multirate systems is rooted in the computational efficiency based on the ability to use different sampling rates simultaneously in the same system. The wireless communication industry has experienced exceptional growth in the past decade. There has recently been a paradigm shift in the way next generation wireless communication systems are being designed.

The important feature of future wireless transceivers regards re-programmability from the antenna to baseband: this is key to the design of multi-mode and scalable multistandard transceivers able to support an open software model. Software defined radio (SDR) aims to support these features by considering them as essential design requirements. Cognitive radio (CR) is an extension of the software radio concept encompassing the adoption of autonomous and intelligent decision making as compared to traditional radio design. In both these promising technologies for future communication systems, SDR and CR, multirate systems perform key signal processing operations efficiently.

The age of 5G communication is approaching. 2020 The 4th International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Devices (ICCSD 2020) will take place at Kitakyushu, Japan, August 7-9, 2020. ICCSD is supported by Singapore Institute of Electronics, Sichuan Institute of Electronics, UESTC, Southeast University, Zhengzhou University and etc, it will provide a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Circuits, Devices and Systems.

We look forward to your participation.

Topics of Interest

    Circuits, devices and systems
    Smart grid and circuit
    Signal and multimedia processing
    Computers, software and applications
    Ocean engineering and marine technology
    Biomedical electronics and bioinformatics
    Communication engineering
    Electronics and electrical engineering
    Computer science applications
    Nano electro mechanical System
    Photonics and optoelectronics
    Networking, communication and multimedia
    Information engineering
    Wireless/Mobile communication and computing
    Software specification and software assurance
    Analysis of power quality and system stability
    Assembly and packaging
    Analog circuits and digital circuits
    Antenna and propagation
    Electric energy processing
    Electromagnetic and photonics
    Electro-optical phenomena of semiconductors
    Power electronics and energy systems
    Signal processing
    Techniques of laser and applications Of electro-optics
    Simulation of propagation
    Battery management system
    Circuits and electronics
    Computer relaying integrated optics and electro-optics devices
    Microwave theory and techniques
    Microwave and millimeter
    Modulation, coding, and channel analysis
    Power electronics
    Remote control and techniques of GPS
    Robotics and atomization engineering
    Signal integrity design for high-speed digital systems
    Solar power generation
    Wind power generation
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-05-29
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