Journal Information
Ocean Modelling Factor: |
3.100 |
Publisher: |
Elsevier |
1463-5003 |
Viewed: |
11498 |
Tracked: |
0 |
Call For Papers
Ocean Modelling is an international journal that highlights the significant findings and breakthroughs in all aspects of ocean modelling research to support the advancement of ocean sciences. Ocean Modelling welcomes submissions in various forms of mechanism analysis, laboratory experiments, ocean model development, improvements and applications, as well as model-observation synergies. In particular, ocean model applications at different scales that aim at understanding the ocean and Earth system and its coupling to biological, geological and chemical systems are welcome. Special attention can be also given to interdisciplinary contributions focusing on interactions between physics, biology and chemistry, cross-scale processes, and machine learning. The journal publishes topics including: 1. Models of ocean circulation, surface waves, tides and sea ice, marine ecosystems, biogeochemical processes, sediment processes, and coastal morphology. 2. Earth system models, ocean-atmosphere coupled models, and climate models with a special emphasis on the role of the ocean. 3. Innovative modelling, combined with observational, theoretical studies concerning physical and biogeochemical processes in different time and space scales. 4. Technologies associated with ocean model development, (e.g., model framework, coupler, data assimilation, high-performance computing, and artificial intelligence). 5. Simulation, prediction and response strategy of ocean and climate disasters like tsunamis, flooding, volcano eruptions, float stone, marine heat waves, oil spill movements, etc. 6. Improved understanding of the variability in the ocean and its past, present and future role in the wider climate system using models and observations. Topical Collections will be envisaged for timely topics, related to ocean modelling, to promote key advances in specific research areas in ocean modelling and to bring together high-quality contributions in the collection's domain. Ocean Modelling publishes 12 issues per year with original Research Articles, Review Articles, Short communications, Commentaries and Special Issues. Authors are invited to submit datafiles, model animations or other electronic-only information in support of their submission.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
Special Issues
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Methods and Applications for Ocean ModellingSubmission Date: 2025-12-31This collection covers the latest advances and challenges in applying artificial intelligence techniques, such as machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and generative adversarial networks, to various aspects of ocean modelling, such as emulation, data assimilation, parameterization, uncertainty quantification and prediction etc. The collection can include broad range of applications of AI in ocean modelling such as (i) improving the accuracy and efficiency of ocean simulations; (ii) predicting and analyzing ocean elements and phenomena; and (iii) monitoring and protecting the ocean ecosystem and resources. Further studies are needed to advance the field of AI for ocean modelling and to ensure its responsible and beneficial use. Manuscript submission information: You are invited to submit your manuscript to the topical collection. For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, please contact Prof. Joanna Staneva via The journal’s submission platform (EditorialManager®) is now available for receiving submissions to this Topical Collection. Please refer to the Guide for Authors to prepare your manuscript, and select the article type of “Topical Collection: AI Methods and Applications” when submitting your manuscript online. Both the Guide for Authors and the submission portal could be found on the Journal Homepage here: All the submissions deemed suitable to be sent for peer review will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Upon its editorial acceptance, your article will go into production immediately.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
Special Issue on Advancements in Earth System Modelling with Ocean ComponentsSubmission Date: 2025-12-31This collection focuses on the development and improvement of earth system models that incorporate ocean components, such as ocean circulation, waves, ice, land and biogeochemistry. It also examines the roles of the ocean in the earth system and its response to climate change and human activities. Manuscript submission information: You are invited to submit your manuscript to the topical collection. For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, please contact Prof. Joanna Staneva via The journal’s submission platform (EditorialManager®) is now available for receiving submissions to this Topical Collection. Please refer to the Guide for Authors to prepare your manuscript, and select the article type of “Topical Collection: Earth System Modelling” when submitting your manuscript online. Both the Guide for Authors and the submission portal could be found on the Journal Homepage here: All the submissions deemed suitable to be sent for peer review will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Upon its editorial acceptance, your article will go into production immediately.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
Special Issue on Negative Results in OceanographySubmission Date: 2026-12-31Progresses in science are made mainly based on positive data of experiments, but almost equally, negative results generated to allow navigating the scientific research path in the correct direction to find the truth. For example, the discovery of penicillin was the results of a contamination without being neglected completed to discover the first antibiotic produced by the contaminated fungus to modernize medicine and save so many lives. Many of the most significant scientific achievements are made with many failures before hand by the person involved or others, and even a clear hypothesis at the beginning may also end up with negative or wrong results. However, such negative research data are normally buried in personal files or dumped without knowing their ever presence by the general public. They cannot be published due to the established practice in science to strive for positive results to drive the scientific advancement as a way of knowing in this profession. Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper defined the way science should be conducted as paradigm shift and refutation, respectively, and they share one thing in common on accumulation of data, both positive and negative ones. Almost all of the scientific journals process and publish research results of successful studies traditionally as a general accepted rule. This way of doing things is apparently biased, posing an increasing high risk for scientists to publish papers under higher pressure, even violate ethical standards, including fabricating, falsifying and manipulating the experiments and results. This concern is further enhanced by the rapidly enlargement of the scientific community and more fierce competition for available resources, publication, and also career security and promotion. ‘Publish or perish’ is still the rule of game play in academia, and the major difference now from the past is that more and higher impact publications can offer job security, receiving more grants, maintain a large research group and a positive cycle for greater success. As a means for scientific communication by publishing original results in journals, now it is time to re-define the publishing model and enhance our responsibility with higher quality by encouraging submission and publication of negative results of scientific studies and unsuccessful ones with equally treatment and importance. Such negative results can not only help other researchers define better hypothesis and optimize their own research plans accordingly, but also avoid wasting the financial resources and time on an unfruitful paths by repeating the same non-reported results through personal effort, and divert more effective energy to more original research in the untapped fields. This is an open proposal to the scientific community and the change in publishing model may impact the science and scientific development in the near future on personal, institutional, national and global levels. As long as the advancement of science is secured in a positive and progressive way with the least impurity through this new initiative, the long-term impact and results will be rewarding to the scientific community and also the responsible publishers to serve the researchers and their outputs as well as our society for forward development. The submissions of negative results must contain contents of a high impact in the scientific community. The basic requirements of such research for submission to journals include novelty, reproducibility and robustness, and proper analysis and significant conclusions. The experiments must be conducted correctly and repeated multiple times to ensure the quality; The data must be proved to be statistically negative based on rigorous data analysis; Complete access to the methodologies and raw data must be provided together with the submission; and The research must be performed in collaboration with other researchers or laboratories in the same or similar research field globally. It is potentially more time demanding for preparation and submission of manuscript of negative results than the regular submissions currently. To encourage contributions of this new category, we will offer the authors: 12 months of promotional online access of the full text article as a subscription paper to help dissemination to the widest audience. Promote the paper as an Editor Selection Article on the journal homepage and multiple Elsevier social media platforms. Invite the author to Elsevier conferences or workshops to present the research published in our journal. A certificate of publication or recommendation letter to help them to pursue their scientific career in the future. Guest editors: Francois Galgani, Professor, PhD Editor-in-Chief of Marine Pollution Bulletin Ifremer Center of the Pacific, Taravao, French Polynesia Enrique Curchitser, Professor, PhD Editor-in-Chief of Progress in Oceanography Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States of America Fangli Qiao, Professor, PhD Editor-in-Chief of Ocean Modelling First Institute of Oceanography Ministry of Natural Resources, Qingdao, China Inna Sokolova, Professor, PhD Editor-in-Chief of Marine Environmental Research University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany Thomas Bianchi, Professor, PhD Editor-in-Chief of Marine Chemistry University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America Eileen Hofmann, Professor, PhD Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Marine Systems Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, United States of America Jiasong Fang, Professor, PhD Editor-in-Chief of Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China Tiegang Li, Professor, PhD Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Sea Research First Institute of Oceanography Ministry of Natural Resources, Qingdao, China Jihong Chen, Professor, PhD Editor-in-Chief of Ocean & Coastal Management Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China Manuscript submission information: This is a collaborative special issue in conjunction with Progress in Oceanography, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Ocean Modelling, Marine Environmental Research, Marine Chemistry, Journal of Marine Systems, Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Journal of Sea Research and Ocean & Coastal Management. The diverse scopes of these participating journals will lead to a fascinating collection of papers for readers and high visibility for authors together, to explore the multifaceted and transdisciplinary nature of this essential topic. Each paper is reviewed and accepted as fast as possible, then it will be published quickly online to be available publicly. We will then put all the published papers from multiple journals into a virtual special issue on the same landing page, and also offer global promotions on multiple platforms to all accepted papers belong to this collaborative special issue. The special issue will be set up in the Editorial Manager® (links below). When submitting your manuscripts, please choose "VSI: Negative Results" from the "Article Type Name" dropdown menu. Links to each journal's submission platform: Progress in Oceanography: Marine Pollution Bulletin: Ocean Modelling: Marine Environmental Research: Marine Chemistry: Journal of Marine Systems: Deep-Sea Research Part I: Journal of Sea Research: Ocean & Coastal Management: Submission deadline: 31-Dec-2026
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
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