Conference Information
SQ 2020: International Symposium on Software Quality
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Conference Date:
Cagliari, Italy
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Call For Papers
Following the grand success of SQ 2019 (in Cagliari, Italy), SQ 2018 (in Melbourne, Australia), SQ 2017 (in Trieste, Italy), SQ 2016 (in Beijing, China), SQ 2015 (in Banff, Canada), SQ 2014 (in Guimaraes, Portugal), SQ 2013 (in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam), SQ 2012 (in Salvador, Brazil), SQ 2011 in conjunction with ICCSA 2011 (in Santander, Spain), and SQ 2009 in ISCIS 2009 (in Middle East Technical University North Cyprus Campus, Cyprus), the Eleventh International Workshop on "Software Quality SQ" (SQ 2020) will be held in conjunction with the 2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2020) on July 1-4, 2020, in collaboration with University of Cagliari, Italy.

Submission deadline: April 30, 2020

About The Workshop and Topics

This workshop extends the discussion of software quality issues in the modern software development processes. It covers all the aspects of the process and product quality, quality assurance and standards, quality planning, quality control and software quality challenges. It also covers the frontier issues and trends for achieving the quality objectives. It includes quality management process, the role of software metrics, predictor metrics and control metrics, the role of measurement in accessing the quality and limitations.

Topics include (related to quality issues) but not limited to:

    Software development fundamentals,
    Extreme Programming (XP), Agile, Scrum,
    Software requirements techniques,
    Software testing & QA fundamentals,
    Software testing models and approaches,
    Software testing tools and frameworks,
    Software test design,
    Types of software maintenance,
    Software maintenance process models,
    Software maintenance standards,
    Software maintenance tools
    Software Reviews (SR)
    Software Metrics (SM)
    Software Process Assessment (SPA)
    Software Process Improvement (SPI)
    Software Standardization and Certification

SQ: 2020 invites you to submit your work that describes original and significant contribution in all above-mentioned area of software engineering processes. The paper submitted to SQ 2020 must not be submitted elsewhere either in conference or journal. Papers selected after peer review will be included in the conference proceedings and presented orally at the conference.


All contributions will be peer-reviewed and will be judged on their quality and relevance. The accepted papers for SQ 2020 will be published in Proceedings of ICCSA by Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Please note that one of the author's of the accepted paper must register for the conference and should present the paper at the conference. The selected, extended and modified version of the accepted paper will also be invited for the publication in a reputed International Journal.

Special Issues and papers of SQ 2020:

In several countries, conference papers are not considered in the evaluation of academic performances. In this point of view, we have decided to publish the extended version of all papers in SQ 2020 in special issues of several international journals.

    International Journal of Physical Sciences -
    International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI)                   
    International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSSP) (IGI Global) -
    International Journal of Human Capital Information -
    Covenant Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (
    Nigerian Journal of technological Research -
    REICIS ( : the unique journal in Spanish (also starting in English) on Software Quality and Engineering  indexed in Latindex, Redalyc, ICYT, DOAJ, e-revistas, Ulrich, etc.)

We plan to publish all the papers of the above workshops in the mentioned journals. The only condition is that the paper should fall under the theme scope and coverage area of the journal. We hope that in the available list of six journals, we will certainly find the place for each paper since these journals cover most of the areas of software engineering, applications and related areas.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-04-03
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