Journal Information
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
The IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion publishes both research and application-oriented articles dealing with the development, design, operation, modeling, analysis, diagnostics and control of electrical equipment used to convert any kind of energy (such as mechanical, chemical and solar) into electrical energy and vice versa. Any electric power generating apparatus based on fossil, renewable, nuclear or unconventional sources and used for either centralized or distributed generation systems is of interest for the journal. The scope also includes any kind of equipment used to convert electric into mechanical power, such as electric drives, machinery and actuators. Electrical energy storage and electrical energy production from storage are covered. Power electronics and control should not be the primary research contribution of the papers. They are of interest only when they are part of the energy conversion process being described, such as power electronics converters treated as a part of electric drives, or grid interfaces for electric power generation or electric energy storage devices.

Topics within the journal scope:

Electric Machinery:

    Direct current machines
    Permanent magnet machinery systems
    Switched and variable reluctance machines
    Integral horsepower induction machinery
    Wound rotor induction machinery
    Single phase induction motors
    Electronic drives for electric machinery
    Induction generators for grid and isolated applications
    Synchronous generators
    Motor/generator sets for pumped storage
    Synchronous motors
    Electrical machinery theory
    Numerical analysis of electric machinery
    Power processing equipment
    Insulation for electric machinery
    Application of magnetic materials to electric machinery
    Application of superconducting materials to electric machinery

Energy Development and Power Generation:

    Excitation systems
    Power system stabilizers
    Advanced and renewable energy technologies
    Station design, operations and control
    Modeling, simulation and control of power plants (electrical aspects)
    Monitoring and instrumentation of power plants (electrical aspects)
    Control of distributed generation
    Hydroelectric power plants (electrical aspects)
    International practices in energy development
    Fuel cells
    Superconducting magnetic energy storage
    Flywheels, mechanical, hydraulic energy storage
    Distributed storage
    Industrial/commercial energy conservation
    Grid interconnection
    Tidal/wave power

Nuclear Power Engineering:

    Nuclear power plant controls (electrical aspects)
    Modeling, simulation and control (electrical aspects)
    Monitoring and instrumentation (electrical aspects)

Examples of topics out-of-scope:

    Papers without a clear focus on electrical and electronics engineering aspects
    Papers dealing with power transformers
    Papers dealing with power system topics without a focus on energy conversion units
    Papers dealing with power electronics without any link to energy conversion apparatus such as electrical drives, electrical power production or electrical energy storage equipment
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-26
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