Conference Information
ICICT' 2021: International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies
Submission Date:
2021-01-04 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Viewed: 12994   Tracked: 2   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
ICICT 2021 is primarily dedicated to the presentation of technological advances and innovative research results in the field of intelligent computing technologies. In particular, ICICT 2021 solicits state-of-the-art research works that specify their novelty in the context of computing intelligence and technologies.

Computing Technologies:

Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Fog/Edge Computing, Social Computing, Cognitive Computing, Nature-Inspired Computing, Ubiquitous Computing, Green Sustainable Computing, Computer Vision, Human-Computer Interaction, Evolutionary Computation, Soft Computing Approaches, Collaborative Intelligence, Multimedia Computing, Mobile Computing, Bio-Inspired Intelligent Computing Technologies, and High Performance Computing models.

Artificial Intelligence Models & Applications:

Expert Systems, Artificial Neural Networks, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning Approaches, Support Vector Machines, Natural Language Processing, Semantic Web Intelligence & Models, Fuzzy Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Smart User Interfaces and Visualization techniques, Robotics and Automation, Distributed Intelligent Systems, Patterns and Frameworks.

Intelligent Systems:

Intelligent Interfaces and Hybrid Systems, Embedded Systems, RF and Microwave Systems, Decision Support Systems, Big data models, Supervised and unsupervised Learning Models, Data Analytics and Visualization Models, Optimization Models, Emerging Nano scale devices, Scalable, reliable and robust architectures, Recommender Systems, and Cyber-Physical Systems.


Healthcare, Social networks, Wearable technologies, Industries, Business Intelligence, Multimedia Applications, Digital library, E-commerce and E-Governance, Gaming Applications, Other use cases, and Applications. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-01-01
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