Conference Information
ES 2018: International Conference on Enterprise Systems
Submission Date:
2018-06-18 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Limassol, Cyprus
Viewed: 6835   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

We welcome both survey and original articles. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into the IEEE Xplore Database which is indexed by EI. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to top international journals in these areas.

Given the fact that technology advancement in these areas is so fast, we also welcome 4-page short papers to present valuable and latest progresses of ongoing projects. Note, all manuscripts shall be written in English, using the IEEE conference template (double column, size 10). The limits of length for different type of papers are: 8 pages for long paper aiming for journal publication, 6 pages for full paper, and 4 pages for work-in-progress papers.


We welcome original and survey articles about the latest advances of technology. The f results can be state-of-the-art, requirements, fundamental theories, models, frameworks, algorithms, methodologies, platforms, protocols, prototypes, testbeds, field trials, case studies/stories, field experiences, standardization efforts, regulatory activities, education and training innovations, etc. The application areas include aeronautics and astronautics, agriculture, automotive, building, construction, energy, finance, healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, process industry, power, transportation, etc.
The topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Topic 1: Enterprise Systems for Industry 4.0

    Business-IT Alignment and IT Agility
    Enterprise Modelling & Integration
    Decision Support Systems
    Enterprise Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
    Enterprise Systems for Business Process Management
    Enterprise Systems for Case Management
    Information integration and interoperability
    Cross-organizational collaboration and virtual enterprise
    Integration of (legacy) enterprise applications and information
    Information Governance
    Enterprise Architecture & Engineering
    Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Topic 2: Cyber Physical Systems for Industry 4.0

    Artificial intelligence and autonomous systems
    Smart agents and systems
    Cloud computing techniques for industrial systems
    Cloud robotics
    Cloud-based automation and control systems
    Model based development for CPS
    Semantic technologies for CPS
    Formal methods for industrial and enterprise applications
    Smart logistics for complex services
    Intelligent Transportation Systems
    E-Health Systems
    Smart Grid Systems
    Smart Homes, Buildings, Communities, and Cities

Topic 3: Internet of Things for Industry 4.0

    Internet of Things, Services, and People
    Industrial internet and tactile internet
    Wireless sensor and actuator network
    Automation networks, field buses, and Time Sensitive Networks
    Green communications and computing
    Ultra-reliable and ultra-low latency networks
    Super dense networks
    Automotive networks and Internet-of-Vehicles
    New PHY/MAC design and signal processing techniques
    Next generation networks e.g. 5G for industries
    IP-fication and interoperability of communication technologies

Topic 4: Big Data for Industry 4.0

    Innovative approaches for data collection (e.g., sensor-based wearable devices, location-based mobile devices)
    Data analysis (e.g., new econometrics, machine learning, decision science models) of big data
    New methods to extract business intelligence from structured and unstructured business data (e.g. data in the form of text, video, audio, link structure, etc.)
    New methods for the creation, sharing and reuse of big data
    Tools and technologies for deploying and managing big data
    Cloud-based data storage and exchange
    New approaches to combine multiple methods of research on big data
    New methods introduced from reference disciplines (e.g. statistics, biology, medical science, computer science, physics, etc.) for the business analysis of big data

Topic 5: Security and Privacy Protection for Industry 4.0

    Security in industrial networks
    Smart device information leaks
    Trusted and trustworthy computing and cloud services
    Security in cloud-based enterprise infrastructure
    Cloud and cyber security
    Privacy preservation in data release
    Cryptography, key distribution, and security management
    Asymmetric encryption for low capacity devices
    Privacy and data governance

Topic 6: System Engineering and Human Factors for Industry 4.0

    System-of-systems methodology and practices
    Social networks and social computing
    Service design and engineering
    Management of innovation in complex enterprise environment
    Human-in-the-loop automation, control, operation, and optimization
    Advanced human-machine/computer/robot/facility-interaction
    Wearable technologies and human centric sensing
    User centric design of industrial and enterprise systems
    Collaboration between human workers and robots
    Social-industry information exchange
    Enablers, drivers, and use cases of the Social Sensing

Topic 7: IoT-enabled Smart Manufacturing

    Cloud based innovation of business models and manufacturing eco-systems
    Cloud manufacturing, mass-customization, and flexible manufacturing
    Networked manufacturing infrastructure and services
    Flexible and rapid recombination and reconfiguration of workshop floors
    Task modelling, decomposition, and composition
    Sharing of distributed manufacturing facilities and fine grain scheduling
    Holistic optimization of manufacturing efficiency
    Interaction and integration of Cyber Factory and Physical Factory
    Evolution and integration of Manufacturing Execution Systems
    Product life cycle management
    Manufacturing Facility-as-a-Service
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-06-10
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