Conference Information
LCTES 2025: ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory for Embedded Systems
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Seoul, South Korea
CCF: b   CORE: a   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 24385   Tracked: 29   Attend: 7

Call For Papers
Programming languages, compilers, and tools are important interfaces between embedded systems and emerging applications in the real world. Embedded systems are aggressively adapted for deep neural network applications, large language models, autonomous vehicles, robots, healthcare applications, etc. However, these emerging applications impose challenges that conflict with conventional design requirements and increase the complexity of embedded system designs. Furthermore, they exploit new hardware paradigms to scale up multicores (including GPUs and FPGAs) and distributed systems built from many cores. Therefore, programming languages, compilers, and tools are becoming more important to address these issues, such as productivity, validation, verification, maintainability, safety, and reliability for meeting both performance goals and resource constraints.

The 26th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED International Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory of Embedded Systems (LCTES 2025) solicits papers presenting original work on programming languages, compilers, tools, theory, and architectures that help in overcoming these challenges. Research papers on innovative techniques are welcome, as well as experience papers on insights obtained by experimenting with real-world systems and applications. Papers can be submitted to


Original contributions are solicited on the topics of interest including, but not limited to:

Programming language challenges

    Domain-specific languages
    Features to exploit multicore, reconfigurable, and other emerging architectures
    Features for distributed, adaptive, and real-time control embedded systems
    Capabilities for specification, composition, and construction of embedded systems
    Language features and techniques to enhance reliability, verifiability, and security
    Virtual machines, concurrency, inter-processor synchronization, and memory management
    Compiler challenges

Interaction between embedded architectures, operating systems, and compilers

    Interpreters, binary translation, just-in-time compilation, and split compilation
    Support for enhanced programmer productivity
    Support for enhanced debugging, profiling, and exception/interrupt handling
    Optimization for low power/energy, code/data size, and real-time performance
    Parameterized and structural compiler design space exploration and auto-tuning
    Tools for analysis, specification, design, and implementation, including:
    Hardware, system software, application software, and their interfaces
    Distributed real-time control, media players, and reconfigurable architectures
    System integration and testing
    Performance estimation, monitoring, and tuning
    Run-time system support for embedded systems
    Design space exploration tools
    Support for system security and system-level reliability
    Approaches for cross-layer system optimization
    Theory and foundations of embedded systems

Predictability of resource behavior: energy, space, time

    Validation and verification, in particular of concurrent and distributed systems
    Formal foundations of model-based design as the basis for code generation, analysis, and verification
    Mathematical foundations for embedded systems
    Models of computations for embedded applications
    Novel embedded architectures

Design and implementation of novel architectures

    Workload analysis and performance evaluation
    Architecture support for new language features, virtualization, compiler techniques, debugging tools
    Architectural features to improve power/energy, code/data size, and predictability
    Mobile systems and IoT

Operating systems for mobile and IoT devices

    Compiler and software tools for mobile and IoT systems
    Energy management for mobile and IoT devices
    Memory and IO techniques for mobile and IoT devices

Large language models (LLMs) and programming languages/compilers

    Impact of LLMs on embedded system design and architectures
    LLM-based debugging tools for embedded software
    Adapting LLMs for resource-constraint environment
    LLM for embedded systems and compilers
    LLM for program analysis, testing and verification.
    Program analysis, testing and verification for LLM
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-02-15
Acceptance Ratio
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