Conference Information
ICERP 2017: International Conference on Environmental Research and Public Health
Submission Date:
2017-10-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Shenzhen, China
Viewed: 10725   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The 2nd International Conference on Environmental Research and Public Health (ICERP2017) will be held in Shenzhen China, during Oct. 20 - 22, 2017. This Conference will cover issues on Environmental Research and Public Health. It dedicates to creating a stage for exchanging the latest research results and sharing the advanced research methods. 

ICERP2017 will be a valuable and important platform for inspiring international and interdisciplinary exchange at the forefront of Environmental Research and Public Health. The Conference will bring together academicians, researchers, engineers/technologists, and practitioners from all over the world. ICERP2017 Organizing Committee genuinely invite scholars and academics to submit their papers, participate in the conference and visit the special economic zone - Shenzhen. 

The 1st International Conference on Environmental Research and Public Health (ICERP2016) had been held successfully in Shenzhen on 21 - 23 October, 2016. Please click to see more detailed information:

* Ecotoxicology, and ecological risk assessment and management
* Environmental education and public health
* Environmental toxicology, mutagenesis and carcinogenesis
* Environmental chemistry and computational modeling
* Gene-environment interactions
* Environmental policy and management
* Health risk assessment and management
* Emerging issues in environmental health and diseases
* Environmental epidemiology and disease control
* Environmental engineering and biotechnology
* Environmental genomics and proteomics
* Natural resources damage assessment
Last updated by Xin Yao in 2017-08-21
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