Conference Information
ABA 2016: International Symposium on Advanced Big Data and Applications
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Vienna, Austria
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Call For Papers
Big data is a new trend in modern computing paradigm. Big data come in different formats and from different sources such as human movements, computing devices, sensor networks, smart phones, vehicles, and network traffic. Realising the importance of such data, the majority of businesses, industries and organizations are constantly rethinking their business models embracing the big data challenges. Indeed, such data is revolutionizing the way businesses and organizations gather, store, process, analyse and share all sorts of data for various purposes such as, customer behaviour, decision making, product and service improvement, etc.

The aim of this symposium is to address issues and challenges related to the advances in big data and its applications in various domains such as businesses, industries, healthcare, finance, education, public sector, and research and development activities.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Big data models and architectures
    Big data representation and visualisation
    Big data processing and management
    Big data searching and mining
    Big data measurement benchmarks
    Big data analytics
    Engineering big data
    Quality of Service (QoS) aspects of big data
    Network models and protocols for big data
    Big data and social networks
    Big data and cloud computing
    Big data and context-aware computing
    Big data and Internet of Things (IoT)
    Security, privacy, and trust in big data
    Economics of big data
    Case studies

Last updated by Xin Yao in 2016-05-13
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