Conference Information
ICDSC 2017: International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras
Submission Date:
2017-05-07 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Stanford University, California, USA
Viewed: 12714   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Smart camera networks are becoming a fundamental piece of our intelligent cities, buildings and homes, progressively inserting themselves into our lives. From smart surveillance systems composed of a multitude of smart camera nodes to small wearable cameras able to render a visual log of our daily experience, these devices interact with each other and with a wealth of other smart things, and of course the internet. Their rapid development is possible thanks to the convergence of several technologies. From advanced image sensors and vision chips to embedded vision systems capable of efficient feature extraction, image encoding and wireless transmission of the relevant visual content: This technology opens the door to new application domains, where video analytics and the extraction of semantic information from the scene is performed in a distributed fashion, implementing a new type of cooperative and/or collaborative vision.

The 11th International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC) is the appropriate forum to discuss recent advances and open issues in these topics. After the successful events celebrated in Paris (2016), Sevilla (2015), Venice (2014), Palm Springs (2013), Hong Kong (2012), Ghent (2011), Atlanta (2010), Como (2009), Stanford (2008) and Vienna (2007), this year ICDSC will come back to Stanford, CA, USA.

ICDSC 2017 will take place from 5 to 7 September 2017 at the Stanford University, California, USA.


Smart image sensors and vision chips

    Circuits and systems for image sensing
    Parallel processing hardware
    HW/SW co-design for embedded vision
    Reconfigurable vision processing arch.
    High-performance image sensors
    Neuromorphic cameras and networks
    Embedded deep learning cameras

Mobile Vision

    Mobile applications
    Sensing for mixed/augmented reality
    Structure-from-motion in mobile devices
    Visual landmark localization
    Collective object recognition

Smart cameras and network architectures

    Camera system designs and architectures
    Image sensing/processing for smart cameras
    Architectures for camera networks
    Embedded vision programming
    Distributed video coding
    Self-reconfiguring camera networks
    Wireless and mobile image sensor networks
    Topology discovery
    Context-aware networks

Emerging applications

    Smart cameras as IoT devices
    Process splitting in camera vs cloud
    Vision-based smart environments
    Smart camera networks for healthcare and surgery room
    Virtual reality and augmented reality
    Position discovery and middleware apps
    Combining smart cameras with semantic information
    Smart cities and smart cameras

Distributed computer vision

    Distributed video analytics
    Resource management and task allocation
    Multi-sensor data aggregation
    Collaborative extraction, information fusion
    Surveillance and tracking applications
    Social media and big data

3D and robotics

    3D reconstruction of everything
    Driver assistance, autonomous driving
    Active vision
    Social robots
    Drone distributed smart cameras


Double blind review: ICDSC reviewing is double blind. Do not include any author information such as name and affiliations in the paper.

As with the previous editions, ICDSC 2017 will feature a PhD Forum and a Demo Session. Proceedings will be published at ACM DL. Authors of high quality papers will be invited to extend their work and submit it for a special issue in a JCR- indexed journal.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-05-06
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