Conference Information
ISWC 2024: International Semantic Web Conference
Submission Date:
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
CCF: b   CORE: a   QUALIS: a1   Viewed: 86112   Tracked: 117   Attend: 15

Call For Papers
We encourage papers that directly contribute to the advancement of the Semantic Web area. The relationship to the core area of the conference needs to be clearly described in the submitted work. Submissions beyond the scope will be desk-rejected. Topics in this area include, but are not limited to:

Ontologies and Capturing Knowledge including:

    Ontology engineering and ontology patterns
    Ontology modularity, mapping, merging, and alignment
    Information extraction, knowledge graph construction

Representation, management, and applications of Knowledge Graphs (incl. RDF and property graphs), including:

    Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    Search, query, integration, and analysis
    Robust and scalable management
    Information visualization and exploratory analysis
    Databases and ontology-based data access, integration and exchange on the Web
    Knowledge graph centered natural language processing, information retrieval and semantic analysis, and large language models

Integration of the Semantic Web with:

    Machine learning, data mining, and neural symbolic reasoning
    User interfaces, usability, and accessibility
    Autonomous systems, including multi-agent systems and robotics
    Data integration, quality assurance, and data provenance
    Social issues including trust, bias, fairness, privacy, security and policy
    Web services, process management, social Web, and Internet of Things
    Dynamic and streaming data, including complex event processing and stream reasoning
    Software engineering, algorithms, and decentralized architectures
    Specialized domains (geographical, biomedical, e-Science, multimedia, performing arts, public administration, cultural heritage, law, etc.)
    Artificial intelligence and hybrid approaches (including human-machine intelligence)

We welcome descriptions of contributions that leverage knowledge representation based on Semantic Web standards or other graph data models to improve the acquisition, processing, and sharing of data on the Web. We require authors to explicitly highlight how their work could be applied in a Semantic Web setting.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-24
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