Conference Information
DMS 2015: International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems
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Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, Canada
Viewed: 16387   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The main theme of the 21st International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS'2015) is Sentient Multimedia Systems, which are distributed systems capable of actively interacting with the environment by gathering, processing, interpreting, storing and retrieving multimedia information originated from sensors, robots, actuators, websites and other information sources. The conference organizers seek contributions of high quality papers, panels or tutorials, addressing any novel aspect of sentient multimedia systems that significantly benefits from the incorporation/integration of multimedia data (e.g., visual, audio, pen, voice, image, etc.), for presentation at the conference and publication in the proceedings. Both research and case study papers or demonstrations describing results in research area as well as industrial development cases and experiences are solicited. The use of prototypes and demonstration video for presentations is encouraged.

DMS2015 Selected Papers will be published as Special Issue of JVLC

The Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC), which is indexed by SCI, EI, DBLP, Scopus and other indexers, will publish around forty selected papers of DMS/VLC/DET2015 as the December 2015 extra large special issue of JVLC. The conference will first publish a proceedings available in print and online to authors and conference attendees. Papers will go through three rounds of reviews (see detailed review plan) so that those selected for the JVLC special issue can be further improved to meet the standard of JVLC. The JVLC special issue will be available both in print and online.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Distributed and Sentient Multimedia Technology
media coding, acquisition and standards
QoS and QoE (quality of experience) control
digital rights management and conditional access solutions
privacy and security issues
mobile devices and wireless networks
mobile intelligent applications
sensor networks, environment control and management
Distributed and Sentient Multimedia Models and Systems
human-computer interaction
multimedia affective computing
languages for distributed multimedia
multimedia software engineering issues
semantic computing and processing
media grid computing, cloud and virtualization
web services and multi-agent systems
multimedia databases and information systems
multimedia indexing and retrieval systems
multimedia and cross media authoring
Applications of Distributed and Sentient Multimedia Systems
collaborative and social multimedia systems and solutions
humanities and cultural heritage applications, management and fruition
multimedia preservation
cultural heritage preservation, management and fruition
distance and lifelong learning
emergency and safety management
e-commerce and e-government applications
health care management and disability assistance
intelligent multimedia computing
internet multimedia computing
virtual, mixed and augmented reality
user profiling, reasoning and recommendations

Workshops and Special Sessions

The following workshops and special sessions are being planned:
International Workshop on Distance Education Technology (DET)
International Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing (VLC)

The following special session is being planned:
New Technologies for Cultural Heritage (organizer: F. Colace)
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-01-27
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