Conference Information
ICOMP 2015: International Conference on Internet Computing
Submission Date:
2015-04-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
QUALIS: b2   Viewed: 14945   Tracked: 0   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
You are invited to submit a paper for consideration. All accepted papers will be published in printed conference books/proceedings (ISBN) and will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed in science citation databases that track citation frequency/data. In addition, like prior years, extended versions of selected papers (about 35%) of the conference will appear in journals and edited research books (publishers include: Springer, Elsevier, BMC, and others; a list that includes a small subset of such books and journal special issues appear Here) ; some of these books and journal special issues have already received the top 25% downloads in their respective fields.

The conference is composed of a number of tracks, tutorials, sessions, workshops, poster and panel discussions; all will be held simultaneously, same location and dates: July 27-30, 2015.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

        Social networks
        Traffic models and statistics
        Electronic commerce and internet
        Design and analysis of internet protocols and engineering
        Web based computing
        Web mining
        Network architectures and network computing
        Wide area consistency
        Internet and emerging technologies
        Internet security and trust
        Internet law and compliance
        Internet based decision support systems
        Internet and enterprise management
        Internet applications and appliances
        Internet banking systems
        Internet and video technologies
        Caching algorithms for the internet
        Grid based computing and internet tools
        Cooperative applications
        Tele-medical and other applications
        Mobile computing and the internet
        Agents for internet computing
        The WWW and intranets
        Digital libraries/digital image collections
        Languages for distributed programming
        Web interfaces to databases
        The Internet and Cloud computing
        Markup Languages/HTML/XML/VRML/...
        Alternative web lifestyles, role-playing, chat, ...
        Server space/web server performance
        Web monitoring
        Web documents management
        Web site design and coordination
        Other aspects and applications relating to internet-based computing
        Computer Games Design and Development:
                - Managing gaming communities
                - Augmented reality games
                - Special-purpose hardware for games
                - Computer games and education
                - Threading technologies for games
                - Assessment of new generation of computer games
                - The impact of art and culture in game design
                - Game theory as it relates to internet
                - Artificial intelligence and computer games
                - Tools for game development on the internet
                - Grid computing and games
                - 3D hardware accelerators for games on the internet
                - Audio-video communication tools for network 3D games
                - Virtual actors
                - Virtual world creation
                - Holographic displays and games
                - Computer graphics and virtual reality tools for games
                - Innovative products for game development
                - Case studies
        Big Data:
                - Algorithms for enhancing data quality
                - Models and frameworks for Big Data
                - Graph algorithms and Big Data
                - Machine learning
                - Natural language processing
                - Cloud based infrastructures (storage & computing resources)
                - Grid and stream computing for Big Data
                - HPC, including parallel & distributed processing
                - Programming models and environments to support Big Data
                - Emerging architectural frameworks for Big Data
                - Web search technologies
                - Cleaning Big Data (noise reduction), acquisition & integration
                - Big Data as a service
                - Big Data analytics in e-Government and society
                - Applications in science, engineering, healthcare, visualization, business, education, security, humanities, bioinformatics, health informatics, medicine, finance, law, transportation, retailing, telecommunication, all search-based applications, ...
        Semantic Web:
                - Machine learning approaches for semantic web
                - Semantic web for e-Business and e-Learning
                - Database technologies for semantic web
                - Semantic knowledge portals
                - Semantic web mining
                - Metadata generation
                - Semantic web services
                - Semantic web trust, privacy, and security
                - Tools, languages, and techniques for semantic annotation of web data
                - Semantic searching
                - Reasoning in the semantic web
                - Hypermedia and semantic web
                - Software agents for semantic web
                - Community web portals
                - Trust management for semantic web
                - Semantic interoperability
                - Ontology creation, evolution, reconciliation, and mediation
                - Semantic web-based knowledge management and extraction
                - Ontology languages for semantic web
                - Service discovery, description, composition and invocation
                - Data semantics
                - Intersection of Big Data and semantic web
                - Case studies
        Web Services:
                - Web Service Technologies and Research Directions: Enhancements to the basic web services platform such as SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, ...; advanced web service technologies including security, workflow and process management, transactions, mobile and wireless, portals, services management, quality-of-service (QoS); novel web service architectures; development and modeling frameworks for web service applications; composite web services, enabling technologies and support infrastructure; data structures and models.
                - Practices for Developing Enterprise-class Web Services and Applications: Design patterns; architecting for customization, maintenance, and management; architecting for easy integration or service "consumption"; fault-tolerant architectures; service mediation systems and architectures.
                - Case Studies of Web Service Development and Deployment: e-Commerce applications using web services; Business-to-Business (B2B) applications using web services; mobile and wireless applications using web services; utility and on-demand computing using web services; government applications using web services; applications of web services in developing countries.
                - Multimedia applications using web services
                - Interactive TV applications using web services
                - Big Data: Scalable web services for Big Data; services for data integration; web services for mapping data to information and to knowledge.
                - Novel applications, case studies, and emerging technologies 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-04-03
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