Journal Information
Intelligence & Robotics (IR)
OAE Publishing
Call For Papers
Intelligence & Robotics publishes top-quality unpublished original technical and non-technical application-focused articles on intelligence and robotics, particularly on the interdisciplinary areas of intelligence and robotics. The Journal seeks to publish articles that deal with the theory, design, technology, and applications of intelligence and robotics, ranging from software to hardware. The scope of the Journal includes, but is not limited to (1) biological, bio-inspired, and artificial intelligence; neural networks, fuzzy systems, swarm intelligence, evolutionary algorithms, neural computation, and various other intelligent algorithms; (2) sensing, multi-sensor fusion, design and modeling, data analysis, localization, planning, and control for mobile, aerial, underwater, and other robotic systems; and robot cooperation, teleoperation and human-machine interactions; (3) applications of intelligence and robotics, such as intelligent control, biomedical artificial intelligence, industrial artificial intelligence, intelligent agriculture, intelligent transportation, intelligent communication, smart city, and so on. The Journal would be interested in distributed development and maintenance of real-world intelligent and robotic systems by multidisciplinary teams of scientists and engineers.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-02
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