Conference Information
IoT 2022: International Conference on the Internet of Things
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Conference Date:
Delft, the Netherlands
Viewed: 9573   Tracked: 3   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an exciting research area that brings together academia, industry, society, and governmental agencies due to the innovative advances connected devices and systems bring to society.  As the IoT becomes more established and evolves, its focus widens from connecting new devices, services, and functionalities to the Internet, to achieving seamless and autonomous interaction among heterogeneous systems and their users.  Resulting networks may therefore take advantage of intelligent and interoperable people, things, and services from both the physical and virtual world, creating distributed ecosystems that are capable of providing secure cross-domain interactions.

The International Conference on the Internet of Things is the premier gathering for visionary and groundbreaking research in IoT and closely-related fields. It connects world-class researchers with leading industry experts to steer innovation in multiple IoT verticals (e.g., smart industry, smart cities, smart health, smart environment). Since its start in 2008, the conference has been backed by strong support from leading academic institutions as well as industry. We are pleased to announce its 12th edition and associated workshops, which will take place physically from November 7–10 at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE), on TU Delft campus (the Netherlands).

NOTE: A physical conference will be possible ONLY if the Dutch health regulations permit. If not, we will revert to a hybrid or a fully-virtual conference. The conference webpage will be updated if and when details become available.

Topics of Interests:

IoT 2022 solicits original, high-impact research papers on all topics related to the development and adoption of the Internet of Things—topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    IoT Architectures
    (Syntactic/Semantic) Interoperability in IoT
    AI and Machine Learning for the IoT
    Edge AI/edge computing
    Web of Things including Hypermedia Agents for the IoT
    New IoT Communication Technologies
    Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in IoT
    Sensing, Signal Processing, Actuation and Analytics in Small and Large-scale pilots
    Security and Privacy in IoT
    Distributed Ledger Technologies for IoT
    Human Interaction with IoT
    Internet of Behaviours
    IoT-enhanced AR/VR/MR, Metaverse, and Games
    Industrial Internet of Things / Industry 5.0 / Internet-Enabled Quality
    Internet of Behaviours
    Transient and Large-Scale Networks
    Real-world Deployments, and Testbeds
    Novel Applications of IoT in Industry (e.g., manufacturing, agriculture, business processes, etc. )  
    Societal Impacts and Ethical Implications of IoT
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-06-19
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