Journal Information
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Brown University
Call For Papers
The Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (JGAA) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to the publication of high-quality research papers on the analysis, design, implementation, and applications of graph algorithms. JGAA is supported by distinguished advisory and editorial boards, has high scientific standards and is distributed in electronic form. JGAA is a gold open access journal that charges no author fees.

Topics of interest for JGAA include but are not limited to:

    Design and analysis of graph algorithms: exact and approximation graph algorithms; centralized and distributed graph algorithms; static and dynamic graph algorithms; internal- and external-memory graph algorithms; sequential and parallel graph algorithms; deterministic and randomized graph algorithms.
    Experiences with graph and network algorithms: animations; experimentations; implementations.
    Applications of graph and network algorithms: biomedical informatics; computational biology; computational geometry; computer graphics; computer-aided design; computer and interconnection networks; constraint systems; databases; economic networks; graph drawing; graph embedding and layout; knowledge representation; multimedia; social networks; software engineering; telecommunication networks; user interfaces and visualization; VLSI circuits.

The electronic edition of JGAA is hosted by the Web server of the Department of Computer Science at Brown University. The electronic format allows the authors to add various useful appendices to their articles after publication, including corrections, implementations, multimedia animations, conference presentations, examples, and extended bibliographies.

Volumes 1-8 of JGAA have been published in a series of books through a partnership with World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-19
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