Conference Information
Pacific Graphics 2024: Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Huangshan, China
CCF: b   CORE: a   Viewed: 51950   Tracked: 60   Attend: 11

Call For Papers
The 32th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2024) will be held in Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), China. Pacific Graphics is an annual flagship conference of the Asia Graphics Association. As a highly successful conference series, Pacific Graphics provides a premium forum for researchers, developers, practitioners in the Pacific Rim and around the world to present and discuss new problems, solutions, and technologies in computer graphics and related areas.

We welcome original unpublished submissions in all areas of computer graphics and its applications. The topics include (but are not limited to) modeling, rendering, animation, imaging, visualization, human-computer interaction, and graphics systems. Papers should be submitted through the SRM system. Each submission should be 7-12 pages in length for the regular papers or 4-6 pages for the short papers, and will be reviewed by an international program committee for technical quality, novelty, significance, and clarity. All of the accepted papers will be archived in the EG digital libraries and all regular papers will be published in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum.

In addition, the conference will also include poster and work-in-progress sessions. The poster and work-in-progress papers should be no more than 2 pages. The submission will be reviewed by the committee members and need to be anonymized.

As a premier forum for exchanging recent research ideas and practical achievements – Pacific Graphics is of exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-24
Acceptance Ratio
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