Journal Information
IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL) Factor: |
3.200 |
Publisher: |
1070-9908 |
Viewed: |
22690 |
Tracked: |
30 |
Call For Papers
Scope The IEEE Signal Processing Letters is a monthly, archival publication designed to provide rapid dissemination of original, cutting-edge ideas and timely, significant contributions in signal, image, speech, language and audio processing. Papers published in the Letters can be presented within one year of their appearance in signal processing conferences such as ICASSP, GlobalSIP and ICIP, and also in several workshop organized by the Signal Processing Society. Archival format A Signal Processing Letter is a five pages long paper, in the two column version, comprising at most four pages of technical content plus one page only for references. The journal can be edited with the same formatting guidelines as those used for the Transactions, except for the length of the paper that is much shorter. The lean format of the IEEE Signal Processing Letters is meant to promote ideas not sacrifice rigor. Supplementary material (up to one page) that is included in IEEExplore can include mathematical proofs and additional references that are not immediately necessary to follow the flow of the paper. It can also be used to aid the reproduction of the numerical results (an additional one page).
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-27
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