Journal Information
Nano Communication Networks
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
The Nano Communication Networks Journal is an international, archival and multi-disciplinary journal providing a publication vehicle for complete coverage of all topics of interest to those involved in all aspects of nanoscale communication and networking. Theoretical research contributions presenting new techniques, concepts or analyses; applied contributions reporting on experiences and experiments; and tutorial and survey manuscripts are published.

Nano Communication Networks is a part of the COMNET (Computer Networks) family of journals within Elsevier. The family of journals covers all aspects of networking except nanonetworking, which is the scope of this journal. Created in 2010, NANOCOMNET has four planned issues per year. In early 2016, the journal has been accepted by Thompson Reuters to have SCIE/ISI status, matching the status of the rest of the COMNET family.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Molecular Communication
• Passive Molecular Communication systems, including short-range molecular diffusion, guided molecular diffusion (e.g. circulatory systems communications, microfluidic communications), ion signaling, and pheromone communications.
• Active Molecular Communication systems, such as molecular motors, bacteria-based nanonetworks.
• Brain networks, neural circuits and nervous systems communications.
• Synthetic biology for Molecular Communication development.

Electromagnetic Nanoscale Communication
• Plasmonic and nanophotonic devices for THz and optical communication based on nanomaterials (e.g., graphene) and metamaterials, including compact signal sources, modulators/demodulators, detectors and antennas and antenna arrays.
• Ultra-broadband and Terahertz communications, with applications at the nano-, micro- and macro-scales.
• Nanophotonic wired and wireless communications at infra-red, visible and ultra-violet spectrum ranges.

Other nanoscale communication paradigms
• Nano Communication for bio-therapeutic devices.
• Quantum communications.
• Ultrasonic communications.

Nano communication engineering and networking
• Architectures and systems for Nano Communications.
• Propagation and channel modeling for Nano Communications.
• Information Theory of Nano Communications.
• Communication protocols for Nano networks.
• Security in Nano Communications.
• Energy models for Nano Communications.
• Software-Defined Nanonetworks.

Nano Communication experimental and simulation platforms
• Tools for modeling and simulating Nano Communication Networks.
• Wet lab experimental platforms for Molecular Communications.
• New fabrication and assembly techniques for Electromagnetic nanoscale devices.
• Synthetic Biology toolsets for engineering Molecular Communications (e.g. Openwetware, CRISPR).

Applications of Nano Communications and networks
• Internet of Nano Things and the Internet of Bio-Nano Things.
• Network on Chip including RF and optical interconnects, as well as network architectures and topologies.
• Nano-Sensor and Nano-Actuator Networks.
• Nanomedicine applications: disease localization, targeted drug delivery, tissue engineering. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
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