Journal Information
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Algebra is ubiquitous in science and a common language in many disciplines. In developing this language, mathematicians prove results and design methods that often have applications in different scientific areas. In using this language, scientists consider algebra as an indispensable tool to create methods and techniques that facilitate their research.

Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing will publish mathematically rigorous, original research papers reporting on algebraic results, methods and techniques relevant to all domains concerned with computers, intelligent systems and communications. Its scope includes, but is not limited to, finite fields, algebraic curves, curves and geometry, number theory, error correcting codes, cryptography, arithmetics, algorithms, complexity, computer algebra, symbolic computation, term rewriting systems, theorem proving, vision, robotics. 

The Journal was founded by Thomas Beth and Jacques Calmet as a spin-off of  the AAECC conference oriented to algebraic techniques in coding theory started by Alain Poli in 1983; the aim was “interdisciplinarity based upon the notion of applicable algebra”.

Reformulating and adapting Thomas Beth’s introduction to the AAECC-4 Conference, the general aims of the A.A.E.C.C. Journal can be expressed in the form of the following pentagon:

AA Applicable Algebra: Algebraic foundations and techniques applicable to any scientific area, mainly mathematics, statistics, computer science, electrical and communications  engineering AE Algebraic Engineering: Algebraic algorithms, their improvements, complexity analysis EC Error-correcting Codes: Algebraic structure, analysis, optimality, engineering and communication applications CC Combinatorics and Cryptography: Combinatorial techniques leading to effective applications, classical mathematics applied to cryptography and cryptographic systems CA Computer Algebra: Symbolic and algebraic computation, solving polynomial systems, mathematical software We therefore intend to attract papers which have a solid mathematical background (in algebra or related topics such as combinatorics and number theory) and have some potential applications.

Purely theoretical papers will not primarily be sought, but papers dealing with problems in such domains as commutative or non-commutative algebra, group theory, field theory, or real algebraic geometry, which are of potential interest for applications in the above mentioned fields are relevant for this journal.

On the practical side, technology and know-how transfer papers from engineering and computer science are out of the scope of the journal unless they stimulate or illustrate research in applicable algebra. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-21
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