Journal Information
The Photogrammetric Record
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and Scope

The Photogrammetric Record is an international journal containing original, independently and rapidly refereed articles that reflect modern advancements in geomatics. Specifically contributions in photogrammetry, 3D imaging, computer vision, laser scanning, geomatics, and other related non-contact remote sensing related to geomatics are welcome. All aspects of the measurement workflow are relevant, from sensor characterisation and modelling, data acquisition, processing algorithms and product generation, to novel applications. The journal provides a record of new research which will contribute both to the advancement of geomatics knowledge and to the application of techniques in novel ways. It also seeks to stimulate debate through correspondence, and carries reviews of recent literature from the wider geomatics discipline.

Relevant topics include, but are not restricted to:

    Photogrammetric sensor calibration and characterisation
    Laser scanning (lidar)
    Image and 3D sensor technology (e.g. range cameras, natural user interface systems)
    Photogrammetric aspects of image processing (e.g. radiometric methods, feature extraction, image matching and scene classification)
    Mobile mapping and unmanned vehicular systems (UVS; UAVs)
    Registration and orientation
    Data fusion and integration of 3D and 2D datasets
    Point cloud processing
    3D modelling and reconstruction
    Algorithms and novel software
    Visualisation and virtual reality
    Terrain/object modelling and photogrammetric product generation
    Geometric sensor models
    Databases and structures for imaging and 3D modelling
    Standards and best practice for data acquisition and storage
    Change detection and monitoring, and sequence analysis

Applications of photogrammetry are numerous and far-reaching, and can include:

-      topographic mapping
-      industrial metrology
-      CAD/CAM integration of 3D imaging methods
-      spatial data acquisition for geographical information systems (GIS)
-      digital cartography
-      virtual reality
-      visualisation
-      computer vision
-      robotics
-      agriculture and forestry
-      archaeology, cultural heritage and architecture
-      engineering and industry
-      entertainment
-      environmental science (climate change, natural hazards)
-      earth science (e.g. geology, geomorphology and geophysics)
-      medicine and biometrics
-      biology


Photogrammetry, laser scanning, lidar, range imaging, optical metrology, GIS, remote sensing, digital imaging, geomatics, geomatic engineering, surveying, aerial photography, cartography, geospatial, geographical information, spatial information, 3D modelling, close range applications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-12
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