Journal Information
Signal Processing
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
An International Journal, A publication of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP)

Signal Processing incorporates all aspects of the theory and practice of signal processing. It features original research work covering novel signal processing tools as well as tutorial and review articles with a focus on the signal processing issues. It is intended for a rapid dissemination of knowledge to engineers and scientists working in the research, development or practical application of signal processing.

Subject areas covered by the journal include:

    Statistical Signal Processing;
    Detection and Estimation;
    Spectral Analysis and Filtering;
    Machine Learning for Signal Processing;
    Optimization methods for Signal Processing;
    Multi-dimensional Signal Processing;
    Graph Signal Processing;
    Signal Processing over Networks;
    Signal Processing for Communications and networking;
    Biomedical Signal Processing;
    Image and Video Processing;
    Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing;
    Multimedia Signal Processing;
    Radar and Sonar Signal Processing;
    Remote Sensing;
    Data Science;
    Network Science;
    Software Developments and Open Source Initiatives;
    New Applications.

Type of Contributions:
The journal welcomes the following types of contributions.

Original research articles:
Research articles should not exceed 30 pages (single column, double spaced, including figures, tables and references) in length and must contain novel research within the scope of the journal.

Review articles:
Review articles are typically 30-60 pages (single column, double spaced, including figures tables and references) in length, and provide a comprehensive review on a scientific topic. They may be relatively broad in scope, thereby serving a tutorial function, or be quite specialized, aimed at researchers in the chosen field.

Fast Communications:
A Fast Communication is a short, self-contained article highlighting ongoing research, or reporting interesting possibly tentative ideas, or comments on previously published research. Such articles should not exceed 10 pages (single column, double spaced, including figures, tables and references) in length. The objective is to provide detailed, constructive feedback on submitted papers and publish high quality papers within a very short period of time.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-13
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