Conference Information
SRDS 2024: IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems
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Conference Date:
Marrakech, Morocco
CCF: b   CORE: a   QUALIS: a2   Viewed: 55669   Tracked: 117   Attend: 14

Call For Papers
The 43rd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2024) is a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in distributed systems design, development and evaluation, with an emphasis on reliability, availability, safety, dependability, security, verification, and real-time aspects.

We welcome the following types of submissions:

    research papers, describing original research as well as design, development and experimental results of distributed systems;
    practical experience reports describing ongoing industrial projects, prototype systems and exploratory or emerging applications;
    tool papers describing architecture, implementation and usage of substantive tools to support research, development and operation of reliable distributed systems.

Papers will be assessed with criteria appropriate to each category.

The major areas of interest include the following topics:

    Dependability, security and privacy of distributed systems including, but not limited to, cloud, high-performance, fog, and edge computing; distributed data storage and processing; distributed machine learning and AI; safety-critical distributed systems; Internet of Things, vehicular, robotic, cyber-physical and mobile systems.
    Techniques and algorithms advancing the state-of-the-art in fault tolerance, fault recovery, robustness, self-stabilization, self-healing, scalability, and real-time for distributed systems. These include, but are not limited to, coordination, replication, failure prediction and detection, micro-services, transactions, and blockchains.
    Methods and tools for the design, implementation, verification, validation, and operation of dependable and secure distributed applications, middleware, operating systems, virtual machines and hardware.
    Analytical, simulative and experimental assessment of dependable and secure distributed systems, in particular, when in real-world settings or with real-world data and in large scale and complex environments.

Papers will be assessed with criteria appropriate to each category.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-29
Acceptance Ratio
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