Journal Information
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences
International University of Sarajevo
Call For Papers
Industrial Engineering

  1 .    Ergonomics
  2 .    Manufacturing
  3 .    TQM/quality engineering, reliability/maintenance engineering
  4 .    Production Planning
  5 .    Facility location, layout, design, materials handling
  6 .    Education, case studies
  7 .    Inventory, logistics, transportation, supply chain management
  8 .  Management
  9 .  Project/operations management, scheduling
 10 .  Information systems for production and management
 11 .  Innovation, knowledge management, organizational learning

  Mechanical Engineering

  1 .    Energy
  2 .    Machine Design
  3 .    Engineering Materials
  4 .    Manufacturing
  5 .    Mechatronics & Robotics
  6 .    Transportation
  7 .    Fluid Mechanics
  8 .    Optical Engineering
  9 .    Nanotechnology
 10 .  Maintenance & Safety

  Computer Science

  1 .    Computational Intelligence
  2 .    Computer Graphics
  3 .    Data Mining
  4 .    Human-Centered Computing
  5 .    Internet and Web Computing
  6 .    Mobile and Cloud computing
  7 .    Software Engineering
  8 .    Online Social Networks
  9 .    Applied Statistics and Informatics

  1 .    Medical Sciences
  2 .    Biological and Biomedical Sciences
  3 .    Agriculture and Life Sciences
  4 .    Biology and neuroscience
  5 .    Biological Sciences (Botany, Forestry, Cell Biology, Marine Biology, Zoology)
  6 .    Genetics and Human Genetics
  7 .    Molecular Biology 
  8 .    Computational Biology Biology
  9 .    Systems Biology Bioscience Engineering
 10 .  Genetics and Human Genetics
 11 .  Microbiology 
 12 .  Cell biology
 13 .  Environmental Biology
 14 .  Evolutionary Biology
 15 .  Molecular Biology
 16 .  Plant Pathology
 17 .  Plant physiology
 18 .  Biobehavioral science
 19 .  Biomedical science
 20 .  Biochemistry
 21 .  Biocomputers
 22 .  Botany
 23 .  Cell biology

  Electrical and electronics engineering    

 1 .    Sensor, automation and instrumentation technology
 2 .    Telecommunications
 3 .    Power systems
 4 .    Electronics
 5 .    Nanotechnology


  1 .    Advanced digital applications in architecture practice and computation within Generative processes of design
  2 .    Computer science, biology and ecology connected with structural engineering 
  3 .    Technology and sustainability in architecture
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-19
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