Journal Information
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
Impact Factor:
Taylor & Francis
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems (MCMDS) publishes high quality international research that presents new ideas and approaches in the derivation, simplification, and validation of models and sub-models of relevance to complex (real-world) dynamical systems.

The journal brings together mathematicians, engineers, and scientists working in different areas of application and/or theory where researchers can learn about recent developments across engineering, environmental systems, and biotechnology amongst other fields. As MCMDS covers a wide range of application areas, these papers aim to be accessible to readers who are not necessarily experts in the specific area of application.

The Journal has two sections:

A) Engineering and application aspects of modelling
B) Mathematical and theoretical aspects of modelling

MCMDS welcomes original articles on a range of topics including:

    methods of modelling and simulation
    difference equations in dynamical systems modelling
    differential equations (ordinary, partial, impulsive, fractional, delay) in dynamical systems modelling
    special functions dealing with modelling complex problems
    automation of modelling
    qualitative and modular modelling
    data-based and learning-based modelling
    scientific computing and numerical analysis in modelling
    uncertainties and the effects of modelling errors on system performance
    application of modelling to complex real-world systems.

Submissions are highly welcome which present:

    new modelling ideas
    comparison of models and modelling approaches
    theoretical and mathematical aspects of modelling
    papers dealing with complex real-world applications, which present the purpose of the model and the process of model calibration and validation.

Potential authors should note that the focus of MCMDS is on new modelling methods and/or new applications of modelling to complex real-world systems.

The Journal publishes Research Articles and Review Articles.

Proposals for high-quality special issues are welcomed and should be sent to the Editors-in-Chief for assessment.

Please note that Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems converted to a fully Open Access journal beginning with Volume 27, Issue 1 (2021). The 1995-2020 volumes were made free to access from 1 January 2021.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-21
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