Conference Information
MIC 2017: International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control Date: |
2016-10-01 |
Notification Date: |
2016-11-15 |
Conference Date: |
2017-02-20 |
Location: |
Innsbruck, Austria |
Years: |
36 |
CORE: c Viewed: 13321 Tracked: 0 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
Scope The topics of interest to be covered by MIC 2017 include, but are not limited to: MODELLING 3-Dimensional modelling Agent-based modelling Discrete event systems Finite element methods Forecasting Methodology Simulation Stochastic modelling Time series analysis IDENTIFICATION Digital signal processing Estimation Feature extraction Filtering Image processing Neural networks Pattern Recognition Statistical analysis System identification CONTROL Adaptive control Autonomous systems Computational intelligence Distributed parameter control systems Fuzzy control Hybrid systems Intelligent control Networked control systems Optimization Robust control Stability Stochastic control Virtual reality APPLICATIONS Agriculture and food industry Assistive technology Biomechanics Biomedical engineering Environmental modelling and control Finance and economics Manufacturing Mechatronics Nano systems Power and energy systems Process control Robotics Smart cities Smart grid Submissions Submit your paper via our website at: All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) format. The IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by October 1, 2016. Receipt of paper submission will be confirmed by email. Authors submitting their papers early will normally receive notification at an earlier date. Initial Paper Requirements All papers submitted to IASTED conferences must be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during IASTED's review period. Authors are limited to a maximum of three paper submissions. Initial paper submissions can be full papers or short papers. Papers of up to 8 pages in length are included in the conference registration fee. An extra charge will apply for every additional page for papers longer than 8 pages. Authors are responsible for having their papers checked for style and grammar before submitting to IASTED. Papers may be rejected if the language is not satisfactory. Short papers should follow the rules of full papers initial submission formatting (must contain abstract, keywords, introduction, discussion/results, conclusion and references). The maximum length of short papers should not exceed 4 pages. When submitting a paper, complete the online initial paper submission form, designating an author who will attend the conference, and provide four key words to indicate the subject area of your paper. At least one of the key words must be taken from the list of topics provided under Scope, above. Formatting instructions for initial papers are available at Reviewing All papers submitted to this conference will be double-blind peer reviewed by at least two members of the International Program Committee and related technical committees. Acceptance will be based primarily on originality, significance, technical soundness, presentation, and references. Acceptance and Registration Notification of acceptance will be sent via email by November 15, 2016. Final manuscripts are due by December 12, 2016. Registration and final payment are due by December 12, 2016. Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in the papers being excluded from the conference proceedings. Only one paper of up to eight pages is included in the regular registration fee. There will be an added charge for extra pages and additional papers. Final Paper Requirements The final paper must be correctly formatted and submitted online at The formatting instructions can be found at: and must be strictly followed. The page limit for final papers is eight pages for full papers, and is four pages for short papers. They are all needed to be single-spaced in 10 point Times New Roman font.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-09-11
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