Journal Information
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering
Call For Papers
Computational science and engineering is an emerging and promising discipline in shaping future research and development activities in academia and industry, in fields ranging from engineering, science, finance, and economics, to arts and humanities. New challenges arise in the modelling of complex systems, sophisticated algorithms, advanced scientific and engineering computing and associated (multidisciplinary) problem-solving environments. IJCSE addresses the state of the art of all aspects of computational science and engineering, highlighting computational methods and techniques for science and engineering applications.

Topics covered include

    Scientific and engineering computing, related/interdisciplinary applications
    Problem-solving environments, complex systems
    Advanced numerical computation and optimisation
    Parallel and distributed computing
    Programming models in GPU, multi/m any-core and cloud
    Quantum computing technologies and applications
    Distributed/federated information; knowledge management/discovery
    Cyber security and cryptography
    Origami Engineering
    Performance modelling, evaluation and optimisation
    Modelling/simulation, visualisation
    Remote sensing and multi/hyperspectral imaging
    Big data mining/applications, data analytics algorithms/applications
    Machine learning, statistics, deep learning and artificial intelligence


The objective of IJCSE is to provide an outstanding channel for researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, researchers from various application areas who are pioneering advanced application of computational methods to sciences, engineering, arts and humanities fields, along with software developers and vendors, to contribute and to disseminate innovative and important new work, and to shape future directions for research, as well as to help industrial professionals apply various advanced computational techniques.


Scientists, engineers, researchers, graduate students, educators, programmers, industrial professionals and managers.


IJCSE is a refereed international journal providing an international forum to report, discuss and exchange experimental results, novel designs, work-in-progress, experience, case studies, and trend-setting ideas in the area of computational science and engineering. Papers should be of a quality that represents the state of the art in the field, bringing together the latest computing advances for scientific and engineering research, applications, and education, and stimulating future trends.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-19
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