Conference Information
ICAMMCE 2020: International Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechatronics and Civil Engineering Date: |
2020-02-05 |
Notification Date: |
Conference Date: |
2020-03-20 |
Location: |
Suzhou, China |
Years: |
5 |
Viewed: 10980 Tracked: 0 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
2020 5th International Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechatronics and Civil Engineering (ICAMMCE 2020) aims to provide a high-level international forum for researchers, engineers and scientists to present the new advances and research results in the fields of Materials, Mechatronics and Civil Engineering. The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: 1.材料科学与材料加工工程 Materials Science and Materials Processing Engineering (1)光源材料 Materials of lighting source (2)半导体材料 Semi-conductor materials (3)绝缘材料 Insulating materials (4)电子材料 Electronic materials (5)有色金属材料 Non-ferrous Metal material (6)铁和钢 Iron and Steel (7)复合材料 Composites (8)微/纳米材料 Micro / Nano Materials (9)陶瓷的 Ceramic (11)光学/电子/磁性材料 Optical/Electronic/Magnetic Materials (12)新功能材料 New Functional Materials (13)建筑材料和环保材料,新能源材料 Building Materials and Environmentally Friendly Materials New Energy Materials (14)环保材料 Environmental Friendly Materials (15)地震材料与设计 Earthquake Materials and Design (16)生物材料 Biomaterials (17)智能/智能材料/智能系统 Smart/Intelligent Materials/Intelligent Systems (18)高分子材料 Polymeric Materials (19)薄膜 Thin Films (20)材料腐蚀和表面处理技术 Corrosion of Materials and Surface treatment technology (21)力学行为与断裂 Mechanical Behavior & Fracture (21)材料的模具测试和评估 Tooling Testing and Evaluation of Materials (22)复合材料的研究与开发 Research and Development of Composite Materials (23)新材料的研究与开发 Research and Development of New materials (24)新材料,新技术和新产品 New materials, New Technology and New Products 2.电子工程 Electronics Engineering (1)3D半导体器件技术 3D Semiconductor Device Technology (2)自适应信号处理 Adaptive Signal Processing (3)先进的电磁学 Advanced Electromagnetics (4)人工智能 Artificial Intelligence (5) MEMS的组件技术 Component Technology of MEMS (6)复合半导体物理与器件 Compound Semiconductor Physics and Devices (7)计算机工程 Computer Engineering (8)用于I.C的设备电子设备 Device Electronics for I.C (9)基于电子系统级的设计 Electronics System-Level Based Design (10)电子与纳米电子 Electronics & Nano Electronics (11)电子 - 医疗电子 Electronics-Medical Electronics (12)外延和发光二极管 Epitaxy and Light-emitting Diodes (13)光纤和光纤器件 Fiber Optics and Fiber Devices (14)巨区微电子 Giant Area Microelectronics (15)智能交通系统 Intelligent Transportation Systems (16)集成光学 Integrated Optics (17)医学和生物学应用 Medicine and Biology Applications (18)微/纳米系统和网络 Micro/Nano Systems and Networks (19)混合信号电路 Mixed Signal Circuits (20)移动计算 Mobile Computing (21)移动机器人 Mobile Robotics (22)多媒体服务和技术 Multimedia Services and Technologies (23)网络设计,协议和管理 Networks Design, Protocols and Management (24)光学电子器件和光子学 Optical Electronic Devices & Photonics (25)射频集成电路 Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits (26)信号与图像处理 Signal & Image Processing (27)可测试性的VLSI测试和设计 VLSI Testing and Design for Testability 3. 建筑设计 Architecture Design (1)建筑设计及其理论 Architectural design and its theory (2)制图和地理信息系统 Mapping and GIS (3)测量工程 Measurement engineering (4)计算力学 Computing mechanics (5)施工技术 Construction Technology (6)计算机模拟和CAD / CAE Computer Simulation and CAD / CAE (7)建筑技术科学 Building technology science (8)城市规划与设计 Urban planning and design (9)景观规划设计 landscape design (10)建筑环境与设备工程 Building Environment and Equipment Engineering (11)生态建筑 eco-buildings (12)项目管理 Project management (13)质量工程监督与控制 Quality Engineering Supervision and Control (14)工程管理 Engineering Management 4. 土木工程与施工技术 Civil Engineering and Construction Technology (1)结构工程 Structural Engineering (2)结构的监视和控制 Structural monitoring and control (3)结构修复,改造和加强 Structural repair, transformation and reinforcement (4)结构的可靠性和耐久性 Structural reliability and durability (5)岩土工程 Geotechnics (6)地质工程 Geological Engineering (7)隧道,地铁和地下设施 Tunnel, subway and underground facilities (8)地震工程 Earthquake engineering (9)给水排水工程 Water Supply and Drainage (10)沿海工程 Coastal engineering (11)供暖,供气,通风及空调工程 Heating, gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning works (12)防灾减灾 Disaster Prevention and Mitigation 5.机电工程与建筑机械 Mechanical and electrical engineering and construction machinery (1)机械制造工艺与设备 Mechanical manufacturing process and equipment (2)机械制造自动化 Mechanical manufacturing automation (3)机械史 Mechanical history (4)机械学 Mechanical science (5)机械设计 Mechanical design (6)刀具技术 Tool technology (7)机床技术 Machine tool technology (8)流体传动与控制 Fluid drive and control (9)电子科学与工程 Electronic Science and Engineering (10)工业电子和自动化 Industrial Electronics and Automation (11)电信服务和应用程序 Telecommunications services and applications 6. 其它相关主题 Other related topics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-12-06
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