Conference Information
HiCoNS 2014: International Conference on High Confidence Networked Systems
Submission Date:
2013-10-21 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Berlin, Germany
Viewed: 10971   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The scope of the conference will include, but is not restricted to, the following topics:

    Threat assessment of networked systems
    Detectability and diagnosis of faults and attacks
    Intrusion and anomaly detection systems
    Robust and resilient network control
    Security economics
    Game theoretic approaches for security of networked systems
    Mechanism design and incentives for resilience
    Management of interdependent risks
    Security and privacy of networks
    Adversarial machine learning
    Security of sensor-actuator networks
    Design architectures for prevention, detection, and response
    Cyber awareness of human-centric systems
    Response and reconfiguration methods
    Test-beds for security of critical infrastructures
    Model based design for integration of security and control

Approaches that can be applied to particular critical infrastructure systems in Transportation (surface and aviation), Energy (smart grid and building energy management), Water and gas distribution, and Healthcare (medical systems and associated embedded devices) are particularly welcomed but other areas will be explored. Equally welcomed is foundational work that cuts across multiple application areas or advances the scientific understanding of underlying principles for the development of high confidence (secure, reliable, robust, and trustworthy) networked cyber-physical systems.

The conference aims at engaging researchers from multiple disciplines, control theory, computer security, network security, information economics, game theory, and and theory of incentives, and linking work being done in the applied areas with foundational work to advance a science base for high-confidence networked systems in order to provide the means of building such systems in a principled way.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2013-09-19
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