Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers
World Scientific
Aims & Scope

Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers is a hybrid open access journal, covers a wide scope, ranging from mathematical foundations to practical engineering design in the general areas of circuits, systems, and computers with focus on their circuit aspects. Although primary emphasis will be on research papers, survey, expository and tutorial papers are also welcome. The journal consists of two sections:

    Papers - Contributions in this section may be of a research or tutorial nature. Research papers must be original and must not duplicate descriptions or derivations available elsewhere. The author should limit paper length whenever this can be done without impairing quality.
    Letters - This section provides a vehicle for speedy publication of new results and information of current interest in circuits, systems, and computers. Focus will be directed to practical design- and applications-oriented contributions, but publication in this section will not be restricted to this material. These letters are to concentrate on reporting the results obtained, their significance and the conclusions, while including only the minimum of supporting details required to understand the contribution. Publication of a manuscript in this manner does not preclude a later publication with a fully developed version.

Subject areas suitable for publication include, but are not limited to the following fields:


    Electronic Materials
    Semiconductor Devices
    Industrial Electronics
    Low Power Electronics
    Quantum Electronics
    Flexible Electronics


    Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits
    Analog and RF IC Design
    Micro and Millimeter Wave Circuits
    Clock and Data Recovery Circuits
    AD and DA Data Converters
    Integrated Sensors and Actuators
    MEMS and IC Integration
    Digital Circuits


    Electronic Design Automation
    Process/Device Modeling and Simulation
    Simulation, Synthesis, and Verification
    Fault Detection/Correction and Tolerance
    ASIC and FPGA Based Design
    System on Chip Design
    Design for Testability
    Design for Manufacturability
    Design for Reliability
    Hardware Security


    Signal Processing
    Wireless Transceivers
    Wireless Communications
    Computer Networks
    Embedded Systems
    Analog/Digital Systems

Artificial Intelligence:

    Artificial Intelligence Applications
    Machine Learning Techniques
    Circuits and Systems for AI
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2024-08-24
Special Issues
Special Issue on Efficient Design and Assessment of Dependable and Secure Electronic Circuits and Systems
截稿日期: 2024-10-01

Scope: Electronic circuits and systems have pervaded our daily lives, and they are increasingly entrusted with safety-relevant tasks, thereby demanding for ever increasing performance to meet the requirements of new application domains like artificial intelligence. To this end, it is not sufficient anymore for their design to ensure low price, long battery life, and high performance, they also need to be trustworthy. Justifying the user’s trust in a circuit or system involves a solid design and fabrication process, classical tolerance against random faults -- like transient bit flips caused by radiation particle hits, or permanent transistor failure due to aging – as well as resilience against malicious attacks. In all cases, devising ingenious methods to ensure these properties is vital, but their assessment along with the exploration of limitations is equally important. This still holds true for traditional architectures, even though research has delivered many useful solutions there, and is even more urgent for novel approaches like neuromorphic architectures. Considering this background, the special issue seeks for contributions that move forward the state of the art in the areas ranging from design techniques for area-efficient, low-power, safe and secure circuits and systems to the systematic assessment of their properties. Guest Editors Prof. Andreas Steininger Vienna University of Technology, Austria steininger@ecs.tuwien.ac.at Prof. Mario Schölzel Hochschule Nordhausen, Nordhausen, Germany mario.schoelzel@hs-nordhausen.de Key Deadlines: Opening date: 15th June 2024 Closing date: 1st October 2024
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2024-08-24
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