Conference Information
KICSS 2019: International Conference on Knowledge Information and Creativity Support Systems
Submission Date:
2019-08-31 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Viewed: 13912   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The 14th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems aims to facilitate technology and knowledge exchange between International researchers/scholars in the field of knowledge science, information systems, and system science and creativity support systems intensively in November 2019. The conference will cover a broad range of research topics in the fields of knowledge engineering and science, information technology, creativity support systems and complex system modeling.


The conference will cover a broad range of research topics in the fields of knowledge engineering and science, information technology, creativity support systems and complex system modeling. They include, but are not limited to:

Knowledge Science and Creativity Support System:

    Active learning and deep learning
    Creative Behavior Support Systems
    Decision sciences, Decision support systems (DSS)
    Design and Creativity
    Innovation Management
    Knowledge extraction, creation, and acquisition
    Knowledge management and integration
    Knowledge representation and reasoning
    Management of Technology
    Mathematical models of creative processes
    Multi-criteria decision making
    Non-monotonic reasoning
    Ontology creation and management
    Open innovation, Organizational learning
    Recommender systems, Preference modeling
    Scientic information management
    Social Computing, Trust modeling
    Social factors of collaborative creativity
    Software-based stimulation of creativity
    Supervised and semi-supervised learning
    Uncertainty modeling and World models

Information Technology, AI, and Application:

    Geospatial Data Science
    GIS and Remote Sensing applications
    Image processing and classication
    Information fusion and Information quality
    Information retrieval
    IoT application
    Machine learning, deep learning
    Ontology and semantic search
    Pattern recognition
    Security and privacy
    Visual Analytics and Intelligent User Interfaces
    Web intelligence tools
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-08-11
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