Journal Information
Journal of Grid Computing (JGC)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Grid computing is an emerging technology that enables large-scale resource sharing and coordinated problem solving within distributed, often loosely coordinated groups-what are sometimes termed "virtual organizations. By providing scalable, secure, high-performance mechanisms for discovering and negotiating access to remote resources, Grid technologies promise to make it possible for scientific collaborations to share resources on an unprecedented scale, and for geographically distributed groups to work together in ways that were previously impossible. Similar technologies are being adopted within industry, where they serve as important building blocks for emerging service provider infrastructures.

Even though the advantages of this technology for classes of applications have been acknowledged, research in a variety of disciplines, including not only multiple domains of computer science (networking, middleware, programming, algorithms) but also application disciplines themselves, as well as such areas as sociology and economics, is needed to broaden the applicability and scope of the current body of knowledge. Topics that fit within this theme include:

    Protocols, middleware, and services for security, discovery, sharing, management etc., of computing, storage, data and other resources - within dynamic, distributed communities
    Scaling issues in various dimensions: number of sites, number of users, number of resources, aggregate performance, and amount of data
    Peer-to-peer and internet computing
    Design environments, application development tools, languages and compilation techniques for GRID Computing
    Grid applications and system solutions in science, engineering and commerce
    Novel uses of Grid Computing concepts and technologies, for example in sensor nets and education
    Advanced collaboration technologies for collaborative work, information sharing and problem solving
    The implications of Grid technologies for emerging optical and wireless infrastructures
    The human and/or market dynamics that may influence resource sharing decisions and the choice of collaboration modalities within small and large communities
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-17
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