Conference Information
MDTS 2021: Microelectronics Design and Test Symposium
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Albany, New York, USA
Viewed: 5577   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The Program Committee invites authors to submit original, unpublished papers and panel proposals. Submissions may be in terms of extended summaries or full papers.

Topics of Interest include but are not limited to:

    Digital Circuits, Systems and Architectures: microprocessors, microcontroller, embedded systems, SoC, reconfigurable computing, memory, digital systems for machine learning, deep learning, neuromorphism, security and trusted computing.
    Analog Circuits and Techniques: amplifiers, comparators, oscillators, filters, power supplies, D/A and A/D converters, time-to-digital converters, MEMS.
    RF Circuits and Wireless Transceiver: low noise amplifier, power amplifier, frequency synthesizer, mixer, modulators, phase shifter, innovative RF, mm-wave and THz receiver and transmitter architecture.
    Wireline Communications Circuits and Systems: transceivers for wireline systems, optical links, chip-to-chip communications, I/O interface, interconnections.
    Sensor: sensor and transducer devices, circuits, systems and applications.
    Emerging Technologies: techniques for IoT, aerospace, automotive, biomedical, security, quantum computing.
    Hardware security: Microarchitectural attacks, Side channel attacks and mitigation, Fault injection and mitigation, (Anti-)Reverse engineering and physical attacks, Anti-tamper, Anti-counterfeit, Hardware Obfuscation, computer-aided design for security,  System-on-chip (SoC) security, FPGA and reconfigurable fabric security, Internet-of-things (IoT) security, sensor security, cyber physical system security.

Please submit your paper online by following the Paper Submission Instruction.

Papers found suitable for archival publication will be recommended by the program committee for submission to the “Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA),” published by Springer. In addition, publication in IEEE Xplore® is an option for authors who choose to do this.

Submissions must include:

    Title of paper.
    Name, affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address, phone and fax number of each author.
    Designation of the presenter(s). MDTS will communicate with the presenter.
    One or two topic(s) from the topic list, or a description of your topic.
    An electronic copy of a complete paper of 6 pages, or an extended summary of from three to four pages.
    An abstract of 35 words or less.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-03-20
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