Journal Information
International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE)
IGI Global
Call For Papers
The main objective of the International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE) is to publish refereed papers in the area covering information technology (IT) concepts, tools, methodologies, and ethnography in the contexts of global communication systems and Web engineered applications. In accordance with this emphasis on the Web and communication systems, this journal publishes papers on IT research and practice that support seamless end-to-end information and knowledge flow among individuals, teams, and organizations. This end-to-end strategy for research and practice requires emphasis on integrated research among the various steps involved in data/knowledge (structured and unstructured) capture (manual or automated), classification and clustering, storage, analysis, synthesis, dissemination, display, consumption, and feedback. The secondary objective is to assist in the evolving and maturing of IT-dependent organizations, as well as individuals, in information and knowledge based culture and commerce, including e-commerce.

Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the following:

    Case studies validating Web-based IT solutions
    Competitive/intelligent information systems
    Data analytics for business and government organizations
    Data and knowledge capture and quality issues
    Data and knowledge validation and verification
    Human factors and cultural impact of IT-based systems
    Information filtering and display adaptation techniques for wireless devices
    Integrated heterogeneous and homogeneous workflows and databases within and across organizations, suppliers, and customers
    Integrated user profile, provisioning, and context-based processing
    IT education and training
    IT readiness and technology transfer studies
    Knowledge structure, classification, and search algorithms or engines
    Metrics-based performance measurement of IT-based and Web-based organizations
    Mobile, location-aware, and ubiquitous computing
    Ontology and Semantic Web studies
    Quality of service and service level agreement issues among integrated systems
    Radio frequency identification (RFID) research and applications in Web engineered systems
    Security, integrity, privacy, and policy issues
    Software agent-based applications
    Strategies for linking business needs and IT
    Virtual teams and virtual enterprises: communication, policies, operation, creativity, and innovation
    Web systems architectures, including distributed grid computers and communication systems processing
    Web systems engineering design
    Web systems performance engineering studies
    Web user interfaces design, development, and usability engineering studies 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2013-10-05
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