Conference Information
ACIT' 2019: International Conference on Applied Computing & Information Technology
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Conference Date:
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Viewed: 11041   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The 7th International Conference on Applied Computing & Information Technology (ACIT2019) brings together researchers, scientists, engineers, industry practitioners, and students to discuss, encourage and exchange new ideas, research results, and experiences on all aspects of Applied Computing & Information Technology. ACIT 2019 aims tofacilitatecross-fertilizationsamong, andissolicitingpapersinthekeytechnologyenablingareas.

Submission of papers for Review

We solicit research and experience papers as well as research-in-progress and practitioner reports in any of the technical areas listed under Scope and Topics. Submit your paper via the web-based conference management system following the instructions below:

    Go to the Conference Management System and follow the instructions on the "Electronic Submission Page"; that it takes you to.

    The file that you submit should include the paper title, abstract, keywords, and an introduction followed by the body of your paper. The author抯 name and address MUST NOT appear in this file. This is to facilitate a blind review.

    Upload your full paper in two column format (not to exceed 10 single-spaced pages) via the web-based conference management system in PDF format, or you can submit your paper in the final manuscript format. Poster paper submission is needed an abstract in 2 pages.

    The format of the final manuscript should be in a two-column format and 6 pages in length. Up to an extra 2 pages (total of 8) can be purchased at registration time (see the registration form for pricing).

    Please select a category from the drop-down menu. If you cannot find the right category in the drop-down menu then please enter a category for your paper at the end of the summary. We need this information when determining reviewers for your paper.

    Submissions, refereeing, and all correspondence will be conducted by e-mail.

All papers must be submitted through our Conference Management System.
To submit a paper for review follow these steps:
1. Create an EasyChair account.
2. Login to the conference
3. Go to the New Submissions Tab
4. Fill out necessary information.

The program committee will review each submission and judge it with respect to its originality, significance, readability/organization, references and technical quality. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-01-22
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