ICMR 2024: International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval
Phuket, Thailand
CCF: b   CORE: b   QUALIS: a2   閲覧: 65610   追跡: 167   出席: 37

ACM ICMR 2024 is calling for high quality original papers addressing innovative research in multimedia retrieval and its related broad fields. The main scope of the conference is not only search and retrieval of multimedia data but also analysis and understanding of multimedia contents including community-contributed social data, lifelogging data and automatically generated sensor data, integration of diverse multimodal data, deep learning-based methodology and practical multimedia applications.

Long research papers should present complete work with evaluations on topics related to the Conference. They will have both oral and poster presentations at the conference. Short research papers should present preliminary results or more focused contributions. They will be presented as posters at the conference.

Topics of Interest

    Multimedia content-based search and retrieval,
    Multimedia-content-based (or hybrid) recommender systems,
    Large-scale and Web-scale multimedia retrieval,
    Multimedia content extraction, analysis, and indexing,
    Multimedia analytics and knowledge discovery,
    Multimedia machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks,
    Relevance feedback, active learning, and transfer learning,
    Fine-grained retrieval for multimedia,
    Event-based indexing and multimedia understanding,
    Semantic descriptors and novel high- or mid-level features,
    Crowdsourcing, community contributions, and social multimedia,
    Multimedia retrieval leveraging quality, production cues, style, framing, and affect,
    Synthetic media generation and detection,
    Narrative generation and narrative analysis,
    User intent and human perception in multimedia retrieval,
    Query processing and relevance feedback,
    Multimedia browsing, summarization, and visualization,
    Multimedia beyond video, including 3D data and sensor data,
    Mobile multimedia browsing and search,
    Multimedia analysis/search acceleration, e.g., GPU, FPGA,
    Benchmarks and evaluation methodologies for multimedia analysis/search,
    Privacy-aware multimedia retrieval methods and systems,
    Fairness and explainability in multimedia analysis/search,
    Legal, ethical and societal impact of multimedia retrieval research,
    Applications of multimedia retrieval, e.g., news/journalism, media, medicine, sports, commerce, lifelogs, travel, security, and environment.
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making4.800Springer1568-4539
International Journal of Distributed Systems and TechnologiesIGI Global Publishing1947-3532
Journal of Computational Science3.100Elsevier1877-7503
cSIAM Journal on Discrete MathematicsSIAM0895-4801
International Journal of Digital Signal and Image Processing AR Publication2347-4521
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A0.900Elsevier0097-3165
bAutomated Software Engineering2.000Springer0928-8910
Computational Intelligence and NeuroscienceHindawi1687-5265
Fuzzy Information and EngineeringTaylor & Francis1616-8658
Information and Organization5.700Elsevier1471-7727