Conference Information
AASIP 2023: International Conference on Advanced Algorithms and Signal Image Processing
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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Viewed: 8166   Tracked: 4   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
Topics include but are not limited to the following areas:

Topic 1.  Advanced Algorithms

Algorithms and software tools
Evolutionary computing and learning
genetic algorithm
Natural Computing
Quantum computing
Computation and optimization inspired by nature
Fuzzy theory and algorithm
Pervasive / Pervasive Computing
machine learning
Knowledge discovery and data mining
natural language processing
Computational linguistics
Intelligent Computing
Intelligent data fusion
Intelligent data analysis and prediction
Intelligent agents and web applications
Intelligent fault diagnosis
algorithm analysis
Ant colony algorithm
approximation algorithm
Big O symbol
Combination search
Competitive analysis
Computability theory
Computational complexity theory
Emergent algorithm
fast fourier transform
Graph exploration algorithm
Las Vegas algorithm
Lock free and wait free algorithms
monte carlo method
numerical analysis
Online algorithm
Polynomial time approximation scheme
Scale of the problem
Pseudo random number generator
Quantum algorithm
Random algorithm
Running time
Sorting algorithm
search algorithm
Topic 2. Signal Processing

Image signal processing
Multidimensional signal processing
digital signal processing
Sonar signal processing
Application of fuzzy logic in signal processing
Machine learning and statistical signal processing
Classification theory and method
Statistical signal processing
Adaptive system and adaptive filtering
Bayesian learning
Particle filter
Big data method and Application
Audio and sound signal processing
Multimedia signal processing
Multimodal data fusion and analysis
Sensor array and multichannel signal
Big data signal processing
Communication and network signal processing
Signal processing of Internet of things
Theory and method of signal processing
speech processing
Oral processing

Topic 3. Image Processing

Image feature extraction
Image segmentation
Radar image processing
Sonar Image Processing
Application of image processing
Image generation
Image acquisition
image processing
Image based modeling
Image / video processing
Image formation
Computer graphics / Animation
Multiresolution processing
Sensor array
Multi channel processing
Optical and photoacoustic imaging
Image analysis and signal processing
Shape representation and analysis
Image reconstruction and enhancement
Image registration and fusion
Image acquisition method and equipment
image matching
Image detection and recognition
Imaging and genomics
Image guided surgery
Image guided intervention
nuclear medicine
Molecular imaging
image analysis

The other related areas
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-06-08
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