Journal Information
Telematics and Informatics Reports
Call For Papers
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Telematics and Informatics Reports is a gold open access interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the global and cultural impact of digital technologies in today's world. As a companion journal to Telematics and Informatics, Telematics and Informatics Reports is a forum for theoretical, methodological, and practical innovative research - including use intention - on the health, economic, social, and political scale.

While Telematics and Informatics Reports is broad in scope and crosses multiple disciplines, the journal's primary research areas are subject to (but not limited to):

    Health informatics
    Information security and privacy (mobile banking, online shopping, etc.)
    Mobile and wireless communications and applications
    Digital media culture communication
    Psychosocial effects of social media
    Network public opinion
    Digital platforms
    Smart cities and society
    Knowledge management

The Journal favors original research papers and short communications but will also take into consideration reviews on previous studies, software, and more.

Telematics and Informatics Reports serves as an international outlet for information and data scientists but welcomes those from other disciplines as well that can contribute to the rapidly growing research that surrounds today's digital technologies and their impacts.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-17
Special Issues
Special Issue on Computational Communication: Fusion Media and Praxeology in Big Data
Submission Date: 2024-09-30

In an evolving digital landscape, Telematics and Informatics Reports is announcing a call for papers for its special issue “Computational Communication: Fusion Media and Praxeology in Big Data”. Fusion media, as a concept, represents the convergence of traditional and new media, demanding new analytical frameworks and approaches. Praxeology, to some extent, offers a lens through which the impact of these technological advancements on human behavior and societal structures can be examined. This issue aims to collect innovative insights through computation methods combined with big data to bring new hints to understanding the mediaecosystem as well as praxeological behavior. Guest editor: Prof. Jianxun Chu Professor of the Department of Science and Technology Communication, the Head of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, China Areas of Expertise: computational communication, crisis communication, and science communication Special issue information: The relevance of computational communication has been underscored by recent global events. We’ve seen “downs” globally, such as the Infodemics during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the information warfare observed in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. We’ve also observed the innovational “ups”, such as the rapid rise of platforms such as TikTok and generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT. Like a double-edged sword, these phenomena highlight the critical need to understand and manage the vast amounts of information circulating in different spheres. Computational communication offers a powerful toolkit for analyzing big data, enabling researchers to discover complex media dynamics, understand public opinions, and develop strategies to combat information disorder, etc. Moreover, the rapid evolution of digital media and the explosion of big data have created both challenges and opportunities for communication studies. This special issue seeks to explore how computational tools and methods can be employed to understand, navigate, and innovate within this complex landscape. We’re expecting to have interdisciplinary contributions to understand and anticipate the trends and challenges. Topics of Interest: We encourage submissions that address, but are not limited to, the following topics: Meta Theories of Computational Communication Methodology Innovation of Computational Communication Computational Journalism Computational Advertising Computational Political Communication Computational Science Communication Computational Health Communication Social Networks or Fusion Media Research in Big Data Frontier on Praxeology in Computational Methods Ethical concerns regarding computational communication AI and machine learning in understanding communication patterns and their impacts. Manuscript submission information: Submitted papers must conform to the author guidelines available on the Telematics and Informatics Reports journal website at Telematics and Informatics Reports - Guide for Authors. Authors are required to submit their manuscripts online through the submission site Submission site for Telematics and Informatics Reports. Please refer to the Guide for Authors to prepare your manuscript, and select the article type of “CompComm & MediaPrax” when submitting your manuscript online. The due for submission is September 30, 2024. All submissions will undergo an official peer-review process by the journal board. For queries regarding the special issue, please contact the special issue guest editor, Prof. Jianxun Chu, University of Science and Technology of China, at We look forward to your valuable contributions!
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-17
Special Issue on Shaping the Future: When AI Meets Design
Submission Date: 2024-11-30

Guest editors: Professor Peter Childs FREng, Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London, UK Professor Liuqing Chen, College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, China Special issue information: Great progress has been made in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. The intersection of AI and design has become a significant area of attention. By harnessing the power of AI, designers can leverage data and intelligent algorithms to generate novel inspirations, personalized interactions, and seamless experiences between humans and machines. This synergy amplifies the capabilities of design, enabling the creation of innovative solutions that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and meaningful. However, the combination of AI and design also poses uncertainty and challenges. Ethical considerations, privacy concerns, and the potential impact on human creativity are among the critical issues that are of concern. This special issue aims to explore the convergence of AI and design, with a primary focus on how cutting-edge AI technologies, such as large language models (LLMs), can support designers in reshaping, optimizing, and enriching living experiences. With a growing discussion on this topic, this special issue encourages submissions that explore the impact and applications of combining design and AI across various sectors. Topics of interest include AI-driven design methods and tools, user interaction and experience, internet of things, design education, ethical considerations, and the design of smart products, services, and environments. Paper topic areas may address but are not limited to the following topics AI-driven design methods and tools AI and design creativity Human-AI interaction and collaboration Ethical considerations in AI design AI enabled user insights in product development Designing for AI-powered user experience and services AI augmented applications in AR or VR Utilizing AI for design visualization and storytelling AI-powered innovation in smart homes, environments and cities Investigating the role of AI in cultural and creative industry sectors Promoting cross-cultural innovation and communication Designing AI-enabled design for wellbeing and happiness Understanding the impact of AI on design thinking and decision-making processes AI driven design for transportation and logistics planning and operations Case studies and best practices from industry Exploring the impact of AI on design education Manuscript submission information: Authors are required to submit their manuscripts online through the Submittion site for Telematics and Informatics Reports . Please refer to the Guide for Authors to prepare your manuscript : Guide for Authors - Telematics and Informatics Reports , and select the article type of “VSI:AI Meets Design” when submitting your manuscript online. We encourage original submissions of excellent quality that are not submitted to or accepted by some other journals or conferences. Significantly extended variants of conference or workshop papers (essentially 30% novel content) are welcome. In this case, the authors should ensure that submissions reference the previous publication and elaborate on the differences between the submitted manuscript and the preceding version(s). The authors also need to highlight in a designated section of the paper the novel contributions compared with the preliminary version to assist the guest editors, and reviewers identify the differences. Submissions will be evaluated by at least two independent reviewers on the basis of relevance for the special issue, novelty, clarity, originality, the significance of contribution, technical quality, and quality of presentation. The editors reserve the right to reject without review any submissions deemed to be outside the scope of the special issue. Authors are welcome to contact the special issue editors with questions about scope before preparing a submission. Paper Deadlines: November 30, 2024: Submission of full papers by authors January 15, 2025: First round of peer reviews completed February 15, 2025: Submission of revised full paper by authors March 15, 2025: Second round of peer reviews completed May 30, 2025: Submission of revised full paper by authors June 2025: Final decision and send for publication Contact: Peter Childs Liuqing Chen
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-17
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