Conference Information
ICMCS 2018: International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems
Submission Date:
2018-03-18 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Rabat, Morocco
CORE: a   QUALIS: b3   Viewed: 16645   Tracked: 3   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The 6th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS’18) is organized with the objective to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry sectors working in all facets of multimedia, telecommunication, and computer. The conference will serve as a forum for the dissemination of state-of-the-art research, development, implementation of multimedia systems, technologies, and applications.

The key objective of ICMCS’18 is to create a program that achieves a balance between theory and practice, academia and industry, systems/tools-oriented research and content creation.

ICMCS’18 is an IEEE Conference. All accepted papers will be submitted to the IEEE Digital Library and extended versions of selected papers will be published in special issues of international journals:

– Journal of Mobile Multimedia (Rinton Press, USA) (indexed by Scopus)

Other journals are under confirmation.
Best Paper Awards

Awards will be conferred at the conference to the authors of the best paper and the best student paper.
Multimedia track

            Network and operating system support for multimedia
            Multimedia file systems and databases
            Pattern recognition, Computer Vision, and medical applications
            Multimedia processor architecture
            Animation, virtual reality, and 3D imaging
            Audio, image, and video analysis
            modeling, processing and transformation

Telecommunication track

            Mobile software architectures, systems, applications, and platforms
            Antenna and propagation

Computer and network track

        Web servers and services
        E-learning, e-gov, and e-commerce
        Intelligent network applications
        Systems and Networks security
        Internet and Web-Based Systems
        Wireless network algorithms and protocols
        Cloud computing
        Localization and tracking
        Performance evaluation and modeling
        Multi-agent systems
        Quality-of-service control and scheduling algorithms
        Artificial intelligence
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-03-19
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Related Journals
CCFFull NameImpact FactorPublisherISSN
International Journal of Distributed Systems and TechnologiesIGI Global Publishing1947-3532
bComputers & Security4.800Elsevier0167-4048
IEEE Transactions on Education2.100IEEE0018-9359
Journal of Trust ManagementSpringer2196-064X
bACM Transactions on Internet Technology3.900ACM1533-5399
cIEEE Signal Processing Letters3.200IEEE1070-9908
cIEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management4.700IEEE1932-4537
cIET Communications1.500IET1751-8628